Aspects of wave transmission of genes

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Processes (in our biotechnological experiments) in the hologram TESTER are similar, but they are more complex, because there occur simultaneously and other optical-physical processes.
But we, primarily, We would like to remind, that reflected from the living laser spectrum is a live object information signal, who has been modulated by on all optical parameters – amplitude, phase, terms of the reflection, absorption and polarization.
Therefore, dynamic hologram TESTER, as a complication of an ordinary diffraction gratings, will be recorded and restored in a variety of informational parameters bioobrazca Ah, where Oh-content bioobrazca.
Technically, living a nonlinear environment can be briefly presented in the form of a chain of linked oscillatory circuits (electric lines), Modulated (bioobrazcom), light, spreading such nonlinear medium, with quadratic nonlinearity, it modulates the permittivity. Optical radiation power is the amount of energy, allocated per unit of time. The, If the laser in continuous operation, has a capacity of ~ 2 MW/sec, While in pulse mode, e.g. 1 millisecond, laser power will increase in 1000 and will amount to as much as 2 W. The process of converting laser optical frequencies in more low-frequency radio, as already mentioned above, occurs in a nonlinear medium bioobrazca, where two competing optical laser beam in our experiments. In our case this nonlinear source itself is bioobrazec, contains the chromosomal DNA.
Hologram theory TESTER should also, that whole structure (System) the intensity of the waves moves with speed, the proportional difference between the frequencies of interference by other waves.
With this proven, that hologram TESTER is capable of reproducing the subtlest and most high-frequency fluctuations, phase and amplitude [27, 31].
This is because, that under the influence of waves of intensity of the dielectric constant gets some outrage, that and changes the wave functions.
But, It is this part of the perturbed wave function, is the desired wave radiation function, the restored hologram TESTER.
Back to the issue of "mŠÈI" in the aspect of his nature. The nature "mŠÈI" has been interpreted above us on the basis of the dynamic effects of holograms TESTER.

Rice. 9. Block diagram method and programmable equipment to change the metabolism of MSK.
Flowchart Fitting
Donor wave information, in the form of "mŠÈI" can be, for example, the drug is cortex – radial GLIA cells, a recipient of genetic information-the genome of mesenchymal stem cells (MSK).
In doing so, MSK will reside outside of the laser beam, and it means, She can perceive external genetic information only through the phenomenon of "mŠÈI" (Fig. 9).
This study was conducted, MSK were programmed to differentiate into neurons and entered the bloodstream of the paralyzed man with a damaged spinal cord. Multiple MSCs patient administration sessions led to the return of motor function in 90% of its initial immobility (Подготовлено к печати).