If you want to order a program to improve your health and to return to a more youthful state, we offer several options for unique matrices.
1. Individual matrix based on the child pictures of the patient or his/her biological family. An important prerequisite for compiling programs based on the photography – child on the photo (and till the moment it was taken) must be healthy and it must be pictured alone. Their head (face) must be clearly visible.. Impact of Cosmo-geophysical events at the time of taking the photo is important. The conscience of the patient and his/her ancestors should not be too burdened . Baby photos of the patient's LIVING relatives could be used under the same requirements.
By reading the information from the photo of a child, we are getting complex, multi-component spectrum, which include the spinor information as a central component. This range has a strong, previously unknown, biological activity. Theoretical substantiation of biological activity of photos' spinor information is given in . the monograph "P.P. Gariaev, Linguistic-wave gene. Theory and practice" (2009.) Probably, a decisive role in transferring biological activity of the pictures to the patient has the principle of the Bohmian holographicity of the universe. Modulated wideband electromagnetic spectrum (MBER) of the image on the photography, which was received using our laser technology (know-how), is an address and access code to his genetic, and wider, to the overall regulatory genetic-metabolic information (GME) of the person, distributed in so-called Bohmian hologram.
2. Individual matrix based on biomaterial (umbilical cord blood and placenta) of newborn children. An essential condition for the formulation of the programme based on biomaterial – the newborn must be healthy. The biomaterial for the program/matrix (blood samples (~ 1 ml), or the placenta (any fragment of ~ 1 mg), must be delivered to our office in vitro, placed in ordinary ice, in the thermos. Storage time-not more than 3 days.
3. Individual matrix without the use of a photo of a child. Such program we are creating based on the information, the patient indicates in the application.
4. Universal matrix. At the moment we have 20 ready-made programs, which were based on natural substances (plants, minerals ...).
To order the program, or to get detail information about them, please e-mail us - gariaev@mail.ru
Our research and practical application of the principles of Linguistic-wave Genetics are in line with the priority work on molecular biology and genetics of Russian Academy of Sciences.
See. video: Meeting of the Council for science and education, 20.12.2013.
Moreover, our results in this area substantially ahead of all the, that is received in the "classical" Genetics so far. No one in the world is not yet able to program stem cells, Since the methods used are based on an understanding of genes as a purely physical structures. However, this is a mistake. Genes can function at a level of physical fields, as quantum equivalent of themselves. It was predicted at the beginning of the last century by the Russian scientist A.G. Gurvich. We have confirmed this hypothesis in practice and use wave genes for treatment, aging inhibition, and rejuvenation.
All matrices are unique because they are created based on individual information in your order.
Would you like to discuss it more detail? Go to contacts.