Garyaev P., Vlasov GP, RA Poltavtsev, Voloshin LL, Leonova-Garâeva Ea.
LLC “Institute Of Quantum Genetics”. Moscow.
In a preliminary experiment demonstrated precedent quantum regeneration of a dog's teeth. Regeneration was carried out a special laser technology, based on an expanded understanding of the principles of genetic coding. One of these postulates the existence of the quantum equivalents of genes working [4]. This is verified experimentally [5]. Multipotent stromal stem cells (ITCs) from human bone marrow were irradiated secondary laser field human tooth germ and injected into a tooth extraction region. The control area of another symmetrical tooth extraction not treated. A summary of the work - is an attempt to regenerate the dog's teeth using the method of a new direction in biology – the linguistic wave genetics [1, 2]. Work should be considered as a precedent, and it will be continued. Recently, a similar experimental work on the regeneration of diabetic foot were held [3].
For transplantation using multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, isolated from human bone marrow. Bone marrow cell suspension was diluted with PBS Dulbecco (DPBS), (“Gibco”) 1:2, layered on Histopaque gradient density 1.077 (“Sigma”), centrifuged for 30 min at 600g, mononuclear interphase then collected into centrifuge tubes rings (“Corning”), washed by centrifugation in excess of DPBS, the resulting cell pellet was resuspended in culture medium and plated in culture flasks (“Corning”, 25 cm2), transferred to a cell incubator at a constant temperature of 37 ° C with 5% CO.
The medium for culturing consisted of DMEM / F12 medium supplemented with 25 mM HEPES, 2 mM L-glutamine, 2 mM sodium pyruvate, 100 ED / ml penicillin,, 100 .mu.g / ml streptomycin and 10% fetal calf serum (all reagents – “Gibco”). The medium with non adhered cells were removed, adhering to the plastic on the bottom of the flask cells gently washed with DPBS, We performed a complete change of medium. Further it was changed every 2-3 days., Culture viewed using phase-contrast microscopy.
As the culture and achievements of subconfluent state, cells tripsinizirovali rastvorom Trypsin-ЭDTA (“Gibco”) and passaged 1:2. For the experiment was used a culture passage 3, 1000000. hole in the tooth.
To transmit quantum of its genetic information is read from a human tooth germ by using a frequency-stabilized He-Ne laser with two orthogonal optical modes. Such information is spontaneously converted to a modulated wideband electromagnetic radiation (MBER), carrying the same information, initially recorded at the polarization modulation (spin states) probing photons in the return mode modulated laser beam back into the laser cavity. The theory of this process was published earlier [4].
Symmetrical dog's teeth removed for canines, and a week later in the experiment, in a remote area of the tooth injected multipotent human mesenchymal stem cells, treated with secondary radiation of a helium-neon laser, phantom bearing genetic information of human tooth bud, in accordance with the theory [4] and model practices [5]. Symmetrical control region of another tooth extraction not treated. That is, the control region of the symmetric tooth extraction remains unchanged. After 9 months in the experience of watching a complete dog's tooth regeneration. In control, not treated area of another tooth extraction, regeneration was not.
In this way, we got two phenomena:
1. Precedent quantum dog tooth regeneration by linguistic and wave genetics.
2. Precedent conversion of genetic information about human tooth bud in the genetic information of the dog tooth bud.
1. Gariaev P.P., 2015, Another understanding of the model of genetic code. Thejretical. Analysis. Open Journal of Genetics, v.5, pp. 92-109.
2. Gariaev P.P., 2018, Leonova-Gariaeva E.A., The Syhomy of the genetic code is the path to the real speech characteristics of the encoded proteins. Open Journal of Genetics, v.8, # 2.
3. Gariaev P.P., Poltavtseva R.A., Leonova-Gariaeva E.A., Voloshin L.L., Dobradin A., 2017, Practical Application of Linguistic Wave Genetics (dew) Principle in creating Quantum Information Matrices (Pies) used for Programming Plain Liquids into Medically Active Liquids, called Quantum Information Matrix Programmed Liquids (QIMPL). Clin Epigenet. 3:22. doi: 10.21767/2472-1158.100056.
4. I.v. Prangishvili, P.P. Garyaev, G.g. Dmitri Tertyshny, Vladimir Maksimenko, A.v. Mologin, E. Leonova, E.r. Ernest, 2000, Spectroscopy of localized radiation photon-wave: access to non-local quantum bio-informational processes. Sensors and systems, # 9 (18), c. 2-13.
5. Gariaev, P. (P)., Vladychenskaya, I. P. & Leonova-Gariaeva, (E). A., PCR Amplification of Phantom DNA Recorded as Potential Quantum Equivalent of Material DNA. DNA Decipher Journal | March 2016 | Volume 6| Issue 1 | pp. 01-11
![]() Quantum dog tooth regeneration CONTROL: upper left jaw of the dog, where the tooth was removed. a remote area of the tooth does not treated. EXPERIENCE. Right upper jaw of the dog. Field of the extracted tooth, which were programmed vedeny the embryo of the human tooth mesenchymal stem cells Human followed by regeneration of dog tooth. Circle circled regenerated after 9 months dog tooth. Recorded two phenomena: 1.Kvantovaya dog tooth regeneration. 2. Reprogramming of human genetic information of the tooth in a dog's genetic information about his own tooth.