Considered quantum processes on one type of Helium-Neon lasers, with two orthogonal optical fashion, capable record polarizing modulation sensed biostructures hologram recording mode traveling wave intensity. Such a process is a model of recording and distant broadcast wave of genetic information.
Consider an experimental setup (Fig. 1), used by us for the spectral characteristics and wave broadcast running genetic information [1, 3-10].
Installation consists of a Helium-Neon laser LGN-303 power 2 mW and a wavelength of 632.8 nm, has two combined, fashion single-frequency radiation. There is an adjustment table for placement and guidance a bio-object to 3-m spatial axes.
In each of the 2 x Mod this laser has the orthogonal and linear-polarized radiation planes. When sensing a bio-object installation functioning laser light gives rise to a number of interrelated optical-physical phenomena and biological phenomena.
The first phenomenon – This generation of the laser in the laser's primary, under the influence of the light source – lamp-pumped.
Configuring, raises the frequency stabilized laser dvuhmodovoe with orthogonal linear polarizations.
The second phenomenon is the fall of primary, nemodulirovannogo beam on bioobrazec formation, as a result of optical reflection of complex frenelevskogo (in the nearest zone) "scattering spectrum», as well as recycled modulated broadband electromagnetic radiation (MBER) [1, 3].
As already stressed, bioob″ekt is a non-linear environment, all elements responding directly to an external laser effect.
Maximum item size a bio-object., able to rough reflection equals ¼ wavelength laser, i.e. It has a size of about 150 microns.
Laser light, as you know, will be in each local point penetration ability, Depending on the specific properties of a bio-object..
Similarly,, the specific properties of laser beams depend on the place of the meteorite fall – degree and reflection angles, refraction or absorption.
Changes of amplitudes, phase and polarization angles at each point, as well as the overall picture of the cross-interference of all secondary sources of re-radiation bioobrazca generate cumulative reflection.
It is formed in the vicinity of a bio-object. (near zone Fresnel diffraction [24]) and creates light picture (glow), which should be called a spectrum reflection (Fig. 2).
A very important characteristic of this spectrum (compared to the incident beam) It is the appearance of many new phones (as temporary, and spatial), Nonlinear Optical responses of sub-elements of a bio-object..
But, In addition, in his integral response to a particular substrate live response, substantial and distinguishing feature of which is the Adaptive meaning, that peculiar, for example, structures of the human brain on algorithms for multilayer (integral) perseptronov [40].
Spectrum of reflection has a "bell-shaped" form, which is the spearhead of the laser resonator back into a bio-object..