Activation of metabolic processes, restore water balance, getting rid of edemas, cleansing the lymphatic system. Eliminate skin flabbiness. Configuring the menstrual cycle. Harmonization of the sexual sphere.
Genetic structure, as proven scientists, can experience the influence not only of material nature, they are well exposed to them susceptible to electromagnetic and acoustic waves. The information capacity of the human genome in the most widely used in the treatment and prevention of various pathological processes.
Medical studies confirm, that the development of many diseases, influencing women's health, directly related to the influence of hormones on some tissue cells with the subsequent violation of their DNA. Affect this process is almost impossible to drugs. In addition, most of the negative phenomena underlie the genetic mechanisms of aging and wear of cells, as well as the oppression of the protective functions of the body.
At present, almost every women's Health Center offers its customers an opportunity to rejuvenate cells using various biological additives, whose effectiveness is questionable enough. Proven, that aging is genetic program, change that traditional means is quite difficult.
The proposed programme "Women's lineallows you to not only significantly improve women's health, but also to rejuvenate her body. The essence of the method, on the basis of which developed program, is the use of laser technology, allows to collect, and then process and transmit genetic information by modifying its polarization of photons.
The basis for collecting information in most cases, the use of umbilical cord blood cells or other cellular material, that was not susceptible to pathological processes. Information, the scanning beam, must digitize and using special computer programs transferred to audible to humans range of acoustic waves normal range. In this way, saving the source of biologically active cell properties, which are then used to "settings" the normal functioning of the cell bodies woman.
This technology allows you to effectively restore the menstrual cycle and affect various pathological, including malignant, processes, proceeding on the basis of a woman's genitals cells. Wave genetics applies independently, and as a complement to traditional methods of performing therapeutic procedures. The positive results of this quantum correction is closely studied by various scholars to improve existing methodologies.
The action programme "Women's health", In addition to rejuvenation, implements and effective getting rid of edemas, arising from a violation of the functions of normal metabolism and hormonal regulation. Wave correction of biological and physiological state, primarily, aims to reduce sensitivity of the female body to various antigens and pathogens phenomena.
The development of science and technology have made it possible to establish and effectively apply methods of wave (quantum) Genetics, one of the major tasks of which is to improve metabolism in the human body. This primarily affects the improvement of immunity.