Wave Immunity Matrix"
listen matrix “Wave Immunity”
Institute of Linguistics of wave genetics
Garyaev Matrix
Where to start
For whom
Types of matrices
Health matrices
Garyaev-Mishin Modulator
Biomatrix cream
Wave candles
Liquid quantum information matrix ZHKM
Garyaev's capsule
Garyaev's Pyramid
Program # 2-1 - Correction of the skeletal system
Garyaev's Matrix
"Wave Immunity"
Universal program:
Program No1 – Correction of the immune system (Version 4)
Program No2-1 – Correction of the musculoskeletal system (Version 5)
Program # 2-2 - Correction of the cardiovascular system (Version 3)
Program # 2-3 - Correction nervous system (Version 4)
Program No3 – Fighting Cancer (Version 4)
Program No4-1 – Correction of general metabolism (Version 3)
Program No4-2 – Correction of the gastrointestinal tract (Version 1)
Program # 5: Inhibition of aging (Version 3)
Program # 6: Men's line (Version 5)
Program # 7: Women's line (Version 3)
Program # 8 - Vision support (Version 4)
Program No9 – Anti-Stress (Version 1)
Program No10 – Antiparasitic Program (Version 3)
Program # 11 - Slim figure (Version 3)
Program # 12 - Anti-allergies (Version 2)
Program No13 – Youth and Skin Health
Program No14 – Speech Development (Version 1)
Program No15 – Against Tobacco Addiction (Version 3)
Program # 16 - Normalization of the genitourinary system (Version 3)
Program # 17 - Body restoration after age of 70 (Version 2) or Frailty syndrome
Program # 18 - Anti-alcohol addiction (Version 2)
Program No19 – For sleep and rest
Order matrix Garyaev!
Order matrix Garyaev!
Customer Reviews:
No 31a1v14b3g631a
I want to tell you about the treatment of my relative with your matrices. On the eve of this year, my relative, She is 62 years old, I had a stroke with paralysis on the left side of my body. She lives alone in..
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No 2v3v1a7v
I didn't even notice, How did my noises go?. Noise in my head. I didn't even understand. I'm looking for something today. Suddenly, I remembered something, that I don't have any noise..
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No. 67b3a137b31a
A little more than two months after I started listening to the matrix, I had a PET CT scan. Below is an excerpt, touching the focus in the liver. "A previously detected mass in the left lobe of the liver has lost the clarity of its contours, decreased in..
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No 3b3v9a16b1a
I tell you about the results of treatment. I started listening to my matrix in late October – early November 2022, combining listening with the use of Mishin's coils for 1 hour. At the same time..
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No. 4a9b4g2b
Big Dog Gray. Thoracic spondylosis and hip dysplasia. There was a restriction on movement, Limped, moaned and grunted. In all likelihood,, The disease was from birth, but, especially began to manifest itself, when..
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No. 3747b31a67b31a
I begin my review with words of gratitude to the Creator of the Universe for the saved life and for that, that I met you in 2013. There was an opportunity to personally communicate with Pyotr Petrovich ...
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No. 1a4b7a8v16b1a
Our cat had tumors of 8 breasts, 6-7 cm each. The cat is only 6 months old. Since two cats live in the house with her, the, Assumed, that it is a false pregnancy..
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No. 3b1a5b1631a
Dear Ekaterina Alexandrovna, thank you and the entire BIOQUANT team for helping people like me and, for the continuation of the case of Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev, I bow low to you for this. I really wanted to write this one..
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No 8b1a9b4v7a67b31a
The reason for the appeal was: for 11 years my feet hurt, more right. In the morning, do not get up on your feet until you disperse. Feeling of prolonged subluxation. Blood circulation of the lower extremities is impaired, vein dilation, Stars...
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No 7в181б86а637б
I sincerely wanted to thank you personally, and your team. Programs work great – the child grows and develops as expected, actively engaged in sports, and creative disciplines. This is emphasized by our endocrinologist., Which one..
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No 9b1a31b7v
I, Academician Ljubiša Rakić, Full member of the Serbian and Russian Academies of Sciences and Arts, I would like to mention, that the book by Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev “Lingvistiko-Wave Gene” – the basis of medicine of the future, is a systematic contribution to..
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No 23в9а13б1ф1в
Candles were used in two courses. 1st year – 30 days one candle in the evening (before bedtime). I took a break for two and a half weeks.. 2nd year – 30 days for one candle..
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No 2в1б5в75197б31
I wanted to thank you for the matrix. I've been listening to it intermittently since last July.. It's very much to me., very helpful. Helped as anything else never helped. I started falling asleep..
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No 5b19a3v913b
The patient- a girl, 3 months and 19 days. Been in the hospital since birth: Cytomegalovirus, muscle spasms, epileptoid-like seizures, high level of liver enzymes. The whole time he was in the hospital, the child was tall..
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Certificate of conformity
Order matrix Garyaev!
Order matrix Garyaev!
The programme contributes to the prevention and correction of disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.