The centralized model and fractal-letter code in Jewish mysticism

The high priest asked, and some light lit up in stones configuration, pointing to certain combinations of letters. Abulafia was a Urim and Thummim-letters, Turning to the Talmudic interpretation (Yoma 73b) stones as a clean (anti-reflective) -Urim and unclean (non-reflective) -Thummim – mirror-crystals (Meir HA-aspaklâr′â, aspaklâr′â neck-èjna Meir). On the whole, effect of letters (like their inner essence) associated with the stone-Crystal, outside the contemplation of which simvolizirovalos′ the stage not reflective (or other term-the power of imagination), and the ingestion stage reflective mirror-Crystal (or active intelligence). It should be noted, that combination of letters Abulafii as well as in the literature of the Chambers led to contemplation merkavot with man on the throne, Therefore, in regard to the latter, he wrote, the age of the contemplation of the throne and the one who sees the image of the "glory of the Lord of ...How would see himself in luminous Crystal " (27). The last image refer us to the internal human space research, upominaûŝim vision of the centralized glowing mirrored volume configuration. (PG: again there is the idea of Bomovskoj hologram) In an advanced phase of the technology in the center of this object may fall and the meditant, the feeling at the same time vbiraûŝim the whole of the, peripherals which can be regarded as interlocking luminescent yarn and as the core of the unfolding petals, and as the network of geometric shapes, organized under the laws of the State of perfect symmetry and harmony (28), and just as diversity of the reflections in the mirrored the wrong scope. (PG: sphere is a metaphor of the cell nucleus?) As evidenced by Abulafia, It is this state of "stay inside" him and was able to reach, and then the, what he had merged into a single image of a glowing Crystal, Stone Urim and "Palace" letters (It is so, hèjhalot, and will call letters in the golden age of Safed (CEP. XVI.) (I started ingestion of 20 ml of ZhKIM. It was at )). If you now try to interpret this, a curious mention definition of Urim Thummim-, the Hèrtaka famous work "the book of knowledge": "Sacred crystals, creating communication grid by means of the sacred Light and sound patterns, create configuration, come interact with harmonic hierarchies in the magnetic grid " (30). Interesting to compare this stylized terminology, remembering our reasoning about "cutting" in memory creations letter images describing the Crystal computer programming Ivanenko: “…Inside the Crystal created the complex labirintoobraznaâ "chain torsion waveguides". Inside the "network" subtle energy flows, "washing" the Crystal Grill, underwent a variety of geometric transformations. The process went so far, While appropriately transformed the momentum does not come into resonance interaction with the crystal lattice (Thus "reading" or "writing" to it relevant information)… This "kristallokomp′ûter" is the formula of the universe " (PG: the genome as liquid crystal quantum biocomputers), because it saves memory on the possible structure of the weavings "torsion ring vacuum" (that in turn also has a crystal structure) (31). Probably those patterns of interferograms, resonant and zapisyvaûŝiesâ on the crystal lattice of thin field structures-points of space samootraženiâ ", a rough analogue of which are material crystals, and were the basis of understanding "letters" in the deep layers of the "esoteric" archetype of consciousness, inspirirovavšego the formation of the concept of "letters" in Jewish mysticism. Since this is a "case" and temporal-spatial network and human ÈNIOstruktury, letters, as a linear scan of the, lie in the Foundation of the world and in the very essence of man (materializing in DNA), as stated in the "Sefer Yetzirah": "the 22 letters of the founding". (PG: amino acids?)
Interesting, that tradition is not only "mikrokosmičeskij" transition from letter to internal structures of space-combining letters, Crystal vision in psihotehnike, but there is a deep relationship of letters with vacuum. We had a case, compare with Ivanenko: "According to some contemporary physical theories (e.g., “the theory of loop vacuum” Aštekara-Smolina), – having significant similarities with the teachings of the ancient wisdom – cloth vacuum (similar in structure to the knightly armor, t. to. It is formed by interlacing “torsion mikrokolec”) acts as armor, protecting our fragile world of unbridled power of the Cosmic Fire (about which much has been said in the writings of h. and (e) the Roerich)” (32) and the text of the Apocalypse of Baruch, preserved in the Greek version and a certificate of the clerk of Jeremiah, voshodivšego to the divine throne. Baruch was admired by the Angel to the chariot of fire, on which there is a similarity in the terrible Crown. About the chariot moves huge bird; on the issue of Baruch Angel meets: "It's a keeper of the world, She accompanies the Sun and, distributing the wings, absorbs fire rays. If she had not got their, nothing alive would have survived ". And bird rasprostërla wings, and I saw the huge letters " (33). Naturally, that the Sun is not near outer luminary, a symbol of the cosmic fire ("The spiritual Sun of esotericism), referred to above.