The centralized model and fractal-letter code in Jewish mysticism

"But because of what <It's>? Because of the similarity of the vestments of the eye (hiluk)
Zohararièl′ èlokej Yisrael YHWH,
Topped with a Crown and a throne of glory,
And the beauty of it is sweet and pleasing to look at such a beautiful glow,
Majestic eyes likenesses of Saints (GPR:There is a metaphor – Absolute knowledge is death. It is quantized (quantization of phantoms DNA)).

According to the above:
Świat, świat, Holy Lord Cevaot! The whole earth is full of his glory!”

This part of the building as a whole we have already commented on, at present, a significant correlation is the first line and the last line of the first part of the, where, for the first time referred to the letters Tetrogrammatona. Joining them, We get, that the eyes of vestments and a letter, because they are based on the effects, What is happening with the adept, and only about it stated with regard to the vestments (It is understood the value of hiluk, According to the reconstruction above). The identification of letters and eye, told in clear text, allows us to tap into the expertise of the Kabbalist Abraham already mentioned Abulafii, whose heritage and thematically connected to our hymn, and leads to this kind of evidence of spiritual practice, because. many of the works of Abulafii are written directly in the wake of his personal psihotehničeskih impressions.
Contribution based and. Abulafiej in Italy in the 13th century the profetičeskoj of the Kabbalah in the development of conceptual understanding and practical application of letter code combination of letters with a view to achieving the prophetic ecstasy or the changed spiritual vision is of great interest for the study of the humanities and natural sciences (25). Because the teaching is entirely dedicated to the theme of letters, We briefly stop only a few facts, significant for our context-so we will say a few words about the central sphere and Abulafiej visualization on his understanding of the alphabetic codes through letter combinations.
The first episode of Abulafii ties together ideas of letters, eyes, human vision on the throne in the technique of merkavot, Urim and Thummim-EE-ar-glass mirrors, and refers to his technique of combining characters. We stopped by the analysis of our national anthem on comparing letters with eyes, It is to this we now and will return "with the help of" Abulafii. Surface, covered with a large number of eye, known in mystical literature since the book of the prophet Ezekiel (1st Ch.), where, for the first time in written traditions reflected vision merkavot, This image is a traditional attribute on the heavenly Palaces. We offer a consideration to the value of this image, referring to the statement Abulafii: "Form letters, Despite their plane, tends to bulge, While the shape of the eyes and also the convex, so when it gets power from the letters, that extends their volume <eye>, It is very dense and coarse as well, how and ... in the mystery of the Urim and Thummim-and it <strength> portrayed head in his eyes<from the inside out>, and lighten up the eyes, drowning in them, and from there, the power goes into the heart and drown in it. .., and the heart gets her and performs... their actions, and turns of potency in the Act, Discover this hidden wonder " (26). Here Rav depicts a kind of integration of letters through the eye in the innermost heart is a symbol of higher spiritual and human Center-informactonnogo by "thinning" gross external physical forms (PG: thinning-mysleobraz, convex = golorafičeskij), passing of the hierarchy of their more subtle svërnutogo equivalent to the concentrated information pattern-point Center. (PG: the Zygote?) "The secret of the Urim and Thummim" is for the entire history of its existence, the Enigma for researchers, because these items, as we know from tradition, were the mysterious 12-th stones-slices robes of the high priest, that was "a dialogue with God". (PG: Liquid crystals chromosomal DNA as a fractal antenna emitter?)