The centralized model and fractal-letter code in Jewish mysticism

Now we will focus on the text of one of the hymns of praise, with which we will begin the reconstruction of the designated in the model name in the notion of "the letter" (13). Anthem is a description of the process of rebirth adept, the key point is the contemplation of the eye meditatora letters Tetrogrammatona. Sholem says, that effect, neck is able to adept, is this hymn to the most elevated result ordinary practitioner rendering the merkavot and Throne, When the purpose of comprehension of the innermost secrets of the achieved. Composition prayer-poetic texts at all, a mystic-poetry in particular, as a rule, serves an important semantic function to read content on a logical level, and the "formative" plays an essential role in relation to the internal organization of space adherent. Tanahičeskih in the Psalms ("Tehilim") known composite construction of the verse as "ring structure", that means a special semantic correlation of words first and last stanzas, necessary for proper assimilation of information charge Psalm in General, the text of the present Centre, which is the symmetry in the hierarchy field of meanings " (it's 14). This conceptual organization provides “holographic "read-first knowing the content of verse adept instantly, starting to pronounce the formula and closing the ring, from the first words mentally gets inside the ring volume defined territory (within the scope of), and moving in concentration on the content, coming to a semantic Center. We assume, that has the same effect, the "golografiko-like principles of wave in living systems", known in biology as "Advanced reflection". Gariaev, describes the phenomenon: "To lead a provisional timing-match time internal and external components of a number of, on the basis of which is the rest of the internal circuit ... The lead is, the internal structure of organism unfolds holiday faster, than external. This means the gap between the makroprostranstvom-time and its organic mikroprostranstvennoj model ", When a simulating specific structures in the future (15). And, as a scientist-geneticist, This principle is not only at the level of the brain memory, but at other levels of Biosystems (that will also be important to us, When we consider the mystical notion of coding letters all parts and principles of man).
We believe, This methodological approach can be applied to the analysis of our national anthem, symbolically embodies the overall image of the Fiery sphere-glyph, hidden thin analogue of chariot-merkavot (as will be discussed later), performing coding-remelting of psycho-physiological nature of man. The text consists of a 3-piece of the semantic parts, each of which can be divided by 7 rows rhythmically (Symbols 7 Days of Creation, 7 Heaven, 7-ray spectrum, etc.), verbose parsing we show, the 11-th row is placed a hidden Center, anthem mirror that divides the upper 10 and lower 10 lines (10 sentences, the created world, 10 Commandments, 10 Sefirot, appearing in "Sefer Yetzirah"; 10 upstairs and 10 downstairs - the analogy of the upper and lower worlds, tangible phenomenon and its compulsory prototype na tonkom plane). In Brief, the first part lists the attributes (Midot) Creator, related to the aspect of force or court (Dean), What is a logon installation process techniques intended, 3 verses, maximum focusing, clearly and accurately give a visual image letters. The second part describes the effect of vision, where is the essence of transformation, What is happening with the adept (Message Center), the third terminology Maasè Merkava gives "explanation" had been an act of transformation. The first stanza begins with the words "Ministry of šèl′", in whom "the quality of Holiness (separation is the, What lies ” the other side ")”; the last line is in whom, "an integral part of the Jewish liturgy" – the formula of a three-fold blessing of Isaiah (6; 3): "Świat, świat, Holy is the Lord of hosts!”. In the text of the Tanakh in whom the word of the Prophet otverzanie of fire precedes the perception of important profetičeskogo vision and is also widely used in literature hèjhalot. According to Šolema, When speaking of this formula, the ecstasy of the Mystic reach climax (16). Probably, the general point of this spiritual practice is that, gradually garmoniziruûŝijsâ ÈNIOpattern membranes thin bodies like meditatora synchronizes with concentrically-sferoidnoj poetic-semantic text hologram, which in turn syncs with fractal cell ether torsion network, When the "focal ÈNIOcentr thin macro space and domestic space mystery mix.