The centralized model and fractal-letter code in Jewish mysticism

This part has a clear division: first 3 lines accentuate unacceptability of visual contact with letters on hiluk, Next, a mysterious line of becoming in the eyes of, 3 line draw "self-immolation" Adept. We offer intepretirovat′ 4-th row of this part, as the place where the center of the anthem, out in point meditatora, Center text pattern, ÈNIOvihrevogo, that is an internal "energy cocoon" practitioner. This string has a number of handwritten versions, where is a strange version of "ohèz mahazoriût galgalèj einav", t. (e). "possessed of the periodicity of the orbits of his eyes"; the word mahazoriût on the one hand, transmits connotations frequency of circulation, on the other – gives the image of a spin-Vortex, because. the verb lehahzir (from which the original version, the us in translation) means "return, show ", having the idea of repeating the rotation, circulation. This term is used in the mysterious description of symmetric structure merkavot, When the stone Throne of glory (which is always at the Centre of) How would reflect the (throws the swirl flow) Ministers of State, and "facing to the right and the left are, standing to the left and right are, the same happens with those, who's at the front and rear. They all like mul′tiplicitnoe repetition of the same: "Looking at this, says, This is the same, that and this, because the features of the faces that resemble the features of the face " (24). These mysterious words portray a central sparkling stone, many projects reflected within a closed mirror sphere, capturing myself from different angles in the walls and keeping all information about them in a. Since our task is not part of the consideration of such a complex and important image as Merkava, as well there are many studies, pay attention only to the, that our term, associated with the return of, the rotation of the, reflection is the same as used in the above excerpt from another source hèjhalot. Moreover, even the terminology is already mentioned the similarity between the effects of contact with the called, and contact with the letters in our hymn. Also essential at this stage is the emphasis of the verse on the idea of the eyes, the frequency of the Vortex ripple effect on eye, and from the eyes first started erupting fire. Einav galgalèj expression (approximately, "the orbits of his eyes") also not clear, Since gal′gal′ is a "wheel" and "merkavot rotation cycle (including treatment of the celestial sphere) and the doubled root "wave" and has many connotations. Therefore, this expression may highlight not just the appearance of the eyes, but processes occurring in it, including frequency characteristics of vibration of the lens and all aspects of the latter qualities as Crystal. In this way, the anthem and are turning, initiated changes ÈNIOpatternom in the eyes, which mirrors a more subtle and higher crystalline effect in human ÈNIOstrukture. Deleting the description of the fire phenomena, lets move on to part 3.

(PG: Here is rather different. The eye is made a part of the brain, where is the "thinking" are liquid crystals in the form of chromosomes, where cut, cut, a 4-dimensional hologram images (the visual perception of golografično) and text-holograms the genetic apparatus at the level of the liquid crystals chromosome continuum. "Turn the tide" – the metaphor of the hologram from different angles or encrypted idea of wave front, known in optics. The ROTATION is a metaphor of polarization (spin) potential DNA chromosomes, where the light is polarized sign DNA, is a collective spin genetic information. Spin state of coherent radiation chromosomal DNA is the main source of Geno-text, shaped holographic information eye-brain. In this interpretation, we have, As a matter of fact, holographic spintroniku Consciousness, korreliruûŝuû with the mystical metaphorics. The idea of "burning" the adept can be interpreted, that absolute knowledge, contained in the genetic Bomovskoj as part of the universal hologram holograms, in principle not available as Božestvenoe, Universal. And the attempt to apprehend this absolute knowledge is not compatible with his life, It "Burns".