Hello. My name is Constantin Kostornov. This id my story: 7 years ago, July 8, 2005 received a compression fracture of the C7, broken seventh cervical vertebra. Since then I have been living in a wheelchair. Accidentally saw on television the program "Theory of improbability of the origin of life", in which Academician Petr Petrovich Garyaev talked about wave genetics. "Tried" it all on myself, and thought: why not try? Found all the info on the internet, "shoveled" to the last letter the whole website and sent an email outlining my position. The answer came on May 27 - “you can try”, like this, two words ... To tell the truth, had doubts about the, went through the reviews on the site and the story of Nadezhda Ustinova caught my eye, I wrote to her with the same statement of my position. June 12, 2012 the answer was the same, "you can try"., but with an explanation and suggestions. Since then, Nadezhda Vasilievna Ustinova has been leading me. June 15, 2012 Nadezhda Vasilievna sent the first universal program. In the beginning there was fear and doubt, to listen to or not? I took a risk... I never experienced similar sensations before listening: there was warmth in the legs and goosebumps, spasticity is gone,3 hours lay in complete rest, considering, that spasticity was always present to a greater or lesser extent. I was very surprised. On July 5, 2012 the program was sent, made from my childhood photography. Feeling indescribable, I began to feel the position of the legs, when I don't see them. It felt like they were mine, not like before, like with me, but like strangers. July 8, 2012 Nadezhda Vasilievna performed eniocorrection with me. It brought me back to myself. Grievances gone and a positive attitude appeared , depression had gone. There was a feeling that I forgot everything bad. I woke up in the morning on July 17 and was surprised by my positive mood, there was no spasticity , no worries, the only thing, that I really wanted to sleep. When listening to the program, recorded from my photo there is heat in the feet and the presence of minor agility, spasticity slowly, but goes away. Improved general condition. November 22, 2012, after 4,5 months after the start of treatment with Linguistics- Wave genetics there were the following changes. Restored skin and soft tissue regeneration, a month ago I got a burn of the skin of my legs. Burns healed very quickly. There were bedsores on the sacrum. Currently, there are no more wounds. I feel warm and cold, pain, touch. Whole body feel as a whole. Now I'm sure, that will walk! November 15, 2012 was at the appointment with a neurosurgeon, he was very surprised by my progress in restoring the function of my spinal cord. He noted a jump in the restoration of spinal cord tissues in areas affected by a contusion focus. Regeneration of my injured spinal cord is slow, but sure. Seven and a half years have passed since the injury, and until July 2012, before starting treatment, there were no change. I understand so,that the more time has passed since the illness or injury, the longer it will take to restore all affected functions. I, Kostornov Konstantin Ivanovich, I am responsible for every word written. Many thanks to the brilliant Russian scientist Academician Petr Petrovich Garyaev and Dr. Ustinova Nadezhda Vasilievna.
Kostornov Konstantin, 29 years.