DNA and water waves

(b) Relationship among the molecules is balanced by any nonzero temperature T thermal collisions, that can make a mess in the molecule, as seen in the image of the Landau liquid helium [15]. The rivalry between the electrodynamic attraction and thermal noise causes permanent crossing of molecules between linking and nesvâzyvaniâ. For this value of T is the total number of communicating and nesvâzyvaûŝihsâ molecules is constant, but each molecule oscillates between two modes, producing lasting changes in the distribution of space, communicating and nesvâzyvaûŝihsâ fractions of molecules. It is this volatile picture is of two phases of liquid water is, If we talk about the experiment with a sufficiently long time permissions, the appearance of water as a homogeneous fluid. However, this property persists only for bulk water. Near the surface of the attraction between water molecules and surfaces can protect a coherent structure of thermal noise, giving impetus to the development of a coherent structure stabilization. It's, in particular, case with living organisms, the water molecules are associated with membranes or biomolecules spine. In this case, KD sohranâûâ long enough, to demonstrate the features of the cohesion.

(c) CD store energy, coming from outside in the form of coherent eddies. These flurries persisted for a long time because of the associating, so that a continuous flow of energy produces the accumulation of eddies; they are summed up, giving impetus to the growth of a funnel, the energy which is the sum of the energies of each folded excitations. In this way, KD water can save considerable amounts of energy in a coherent excitation, able to activate molecular electron freedom degree; This high energy is the sum of many small income, the initial entropy which was high.

(d) KD range at a frequency, common with em. fields and water molecules, and this frequency is changing, When the energy is stored in the CD. When the oscillation frequency in CD is the same as the frequency fluctuations of some non-aqueous species of molecules, present within the boundaries of the CD, These "strange" molecules become participants in the CD, able to capture all stored energy, which is activation energy of foreign molecules; gradually CD discharges, and can start a new cycle of oscillation. This mechanism is the same as the assumption of the Albert Szent-gyorgyi [16], that half a century ago proposed the theory that the, that water, surrounding biomolecules, should be a source of perturbation molecular electron levels, responsible for chemical reactions. Moreover, If the set of frequencies, able to attract monomers, make up polymers, excited CD water, the polymer is a monomer attraction to CD, in view of the, they are present in solution. In this way, You can call the polymerisation of monomers, supplying in water solution of monomers em CD. the relevant frequencies (electromagnetic information).
PG: and where is the complementary DNA recognition-like the water matrix during PCR? Do not have them in this theory. Here attract na. Bul′onkova water with its "DNA". link and a copy of his article in "Biophysics", 1988.

(e) The combined effect of the water CD, giving impetus to the creation of the synchronous biochemical activity in mezoskopičeskoj area, should require a constant speed of energy input for all participating CD. This requirement is met by, consisting of electrolyte ions, the main role of biodynamics is well known. Ions near water attracted em CD. field, captured in the territory; Thus, they are held in rotation around the site, coming from a circular speed, proportional to the so-called giromagnitnoj frequency of Vc:
gyromagnetic frequency
where q and m is the mass of the ion and electric charge respectively, and B is the magnetic field. Since DNA, as well as proteins are polyelectrolytes, they are surrounded by a cloud of positive counterions; ions with gyromagnetic frequency between 1 Hz and 100 play an important role. M. Žadin [17], as well as Žadin and Giuliani [18] experimentally determined, that the application of a magnetic field, the giromagnitnoj ion frequency, on the system, in which there are ions, separates these ions from their orbits. This mechanism theoretically explained in [19]. Because of the preservation of torque from ciklotronnyh ions Office orbits causes rotational movement of quasifree electrons CD water, which, Thus, become perturbed energy [20]. In the case of, When you can afford, the concentration of ions is uniform in mezoskopičeskoj field and the applied magnetic field also has mezoskopičeskij size, the amount of disturbance of energy may be taken as uniform in the area, includes a large number of CD water, which are evenly, Thus, providing a link between them. Resistance to such extremely low-frequency magnetic fields ensures sustainable institution of KD water and consequently their is catalyzed by the activity of biochemical. (PG: the catalysis? From Where?)
Now, let us analyze the results of the experiment, described in Section 2, in the theoretical framework, summarized above.