Review No. 81276731

Hello. In January of this year, I started listening to my matrix for the first time. First conclusions about the results of listening.
1. I began to sleep better. Usually woke up 4-5 times a night.
2. I began to sleep (occasionally) on the left side. I couldn't (do it) before. There was a feeling, of pressure on my heart, shortness of breath.
3. A kind of nebula (as I designated it for myself) disappeared from my head. Clarity appeared. Especially in the morning.
4. More energy appeared, I'm less tired.
5. The function of the gastrointestinal tract improving .
6. And the most important thing, – disappearing eczema (which was like a crust, like a tortoise shell). It is still there, but stopped itching and annoying. It looks like the growing layer of skin, began to change its structure. Became thinner and softer.
7. My hair really started to fall out less. But 2/3 of hairs are lost.
8. Vision – apparently improved. Eyes become less tired. Especially after working on the computer. I have that small smoky clouds in them. They are small and small. And practically don't bother me. I went to the doctor, she said, what is aging. These so-called "clouds" became smaller and they began to lose their saturation. ( the light is so gray). They started, like to melt.
Thank you very much. The quality of life is changing (to the better), and it means, I can still work with my cadet boys.

Irkutsk region
05 March 2021