Reviewed by Vladimir Gritsyhin

Diagnosis: thrombophlebitis in the lower extremities . Doctors promised gangrene and amputation.
Listening to the individual Matrix gave positive results.
After the first day of listening, according to V.A., in the morning he reached the washbasin without pain. During the first week, trophic ulcers , that have not healed for a year or two regardless of treatment, closed. Gone are the painful cramps, which happened several times a day. Two weeks later, V.A.. stopped bandaging his legs. The swelling of the legs has disappeared, the appearance of the legs has changed, light tissue began to appear. V.A.. began to feel good. After three weeks of listening, rejuvenated by 7-10 years in appearance. Gone is the mask of the exhausted old man. His hair started to darken. In the lungs V.A. there are also blood clots, now he doesn't cough, breathes normally, does not suffocate when talking or moving.
Listening to the Matrix since the end of June.
V.A.. actively works, in a good mood, hair on the back of the head darkened by about 70%. Analyzes and pictures have not yet been done. Vladimir Aleksandrovich said , that I have never felt so good and conveyed the words of great gratitude to Peter Petrovich.
Gritsykhin Vladimir Aleksandrovich. Born in 1947.

23 August 2013