Review number 4974731

Good afternoon! Write, to say a huge thank you to Peter Petrovich! I'm listening to the program "Renewal of the body" (correction program) with records of 1,5 hours, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for three months. I noticed significant changes in my body. First of all, I became much calmer (stopped being nervous), improved sleep, cheerfulness appeared, I became less tired. Secondly, My allergy had gone.
I noticed this because cats (I could not sleep with them in the same room and did not take them in my arms - I immediately began to sneeze; and now I take them in my arms, and they sleep in the same room with me, and I don't even sneeze) My first summer, which I spent without pills and sprays for allergies. Also my menstrual cycle is back to normal, hair and nails grow faster. I feel great. Once again, I want to say a huge THANK YOU for your development!!!

07 August 2014