Development of wave genetics

Need not say unambiguously: the adoption of such (and the following) the results mean the recognition of the need to revise the strategy of genetic research, that painful and is associated with the interests of many scientific collectives. Questioned voluntarily or involuntarily we put “successes” transgenic “Engineering”. That means the introduction of foreign gene (TRANSGENE) in plant, animal or micro-organism, If it is assessed from the perspective of official and wave Genetics? The first says: Let's say, We have introduced special transgene in potato plant. It became resistant to the Colorado potato beetle, because gene has entered product – enzyme, destroying chitinous cover beetle and he cannot reproduce. Potatoes a lot, very much. Ok? Wave Genetics says – not very. We are expecting a very nasty surprise. It turns out the new transgenic plant ruining not only the villain-beetle, but cute us bees, butterflies, beneficial worms and microorganisms. Where does this attack? Transgenic “engineers” bashfully assign eyes. Do not know, like. And such examples are already thousands, Yes more terrifying. Flocks and fields freaks, explicit and hidden, hordes of dangerous germs and viruses – Here is the result of such “Engineering”. But as explains these surprises Wave Genetics? Transgenic products, introduced in alien them genetic apparatus, in one sign dimension chromosomes controlled encode a protein, but they are also in other code dimensions are other components of the genome, wave and text programs, not controlled “engineers”. These other programs make up the wave, then there are holographic and text gene. Create new transgenic products, incorrectly interpreted genome-bio computer programs and, as a consequence of, run harmful biochemical processes. Transgenic products, being normal components of language and their own native genome holographic Biosystems, integrated into the texts of the alien chromosomal DNA in a strange biological system. And they, alien transgenic products, read vosprinjavshim their genome correctly, However, only through the synthesis of a protein, which was to "Engineering". But they are the same, transgenic products, already falsely interpreted the alien DNA-wave genome-bio computer, that leads to confusion of meanings of their own text and holographic programs. Transgenic "engineers" want to do artificial genetic programs quickly, not understanding their multidimensional nature. Rather quickly in this case, It means bad. To create natural genetic programs has left hundreds of millions of years of evolution of living beings on Earth. "Engineers", ignoring unknowingly pluralism of languages of the genome, use only one, known them. It is the language of the biosynthesis of proteins, which suddenly turned to them closely entangled with wave languages genetic apparatus. Interesting, that, without wishing to, "engineers" actually prove the reality of other genetic coding structures, postuliruemyh us. Thanks to this not planned "engineers" experiment, You can talk, that genes proteins (Let me remind you, there are about 1%) is also the bearer of these actors and the newest wave of chromosomal functions. Here is a brilliant example of economy evolution – simultaneous and parallel use of multiple code chromosomal systems. Nothing superfluous, No "genetic trash". All the work.

Another curse of modernity – premature attempts at human cloning. On simple organisms is not threatened by anything. Vegetative reproduction of plants – typical cloning. Strawberries mustache we, and nothing. Degenerates, to tell the truth, fast. It does not matter, new purchase. With animals, with sheep and other local – worse. Age such clones quickly, freaks they, mostly. Why? "Engineers ' eyes again towards. With someone worse will. Wave Genetics predicts, that man-clone, if they will live up to 10 years, will freak moron. With this type of cloning organisms alien nucleus injected into the oocyte, from which its nucleus removed. Artificially imposed foreign cell nucleus already has updated wave program, that were designed for fabric, from which the cell and its core extracted. Previous competence cell nucleus (chromosomes), will remain in the wave of genetic memory of a surrogate egg and shoot it confusing, giving the wrong wave team on erroneous genetic and metabolic processes. What we see on the clones. How to erase this memory, It is not yet clear.

Get back to the problem of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and other human diseases in terms of our thinking about them. Highlight, as a particularly important, time factor. Also, that wave genes-the reality for us is no longer the question, Another thing, When this ideology would receive the broad scientific community, instead of a separate group of scientists. If this drags on for years, "transgenic engineering" can permanently disrupt the gene pool of the planet, that will lead to the degeneration of life forms on Earth. This is all the more important, SARS virus, perhaps, is the result of the work of military transgenetikov. Wave genetics takes into account the disadvantages of transgenetiki. Deleting them, You can count on powerful intellectual jerk humanity in medicine, Agriculture and environment. I'm afraid, that in relation to medicine I may misunderstand, counting, that Wave Genetics leads to a total denial of medication, as we did with wave treatment of diabetes rats. But the effectiveness of this or any other wave treatment may increase by orders of magnitude, If pharmacological drugs, the modulating wave genes. In this sense, Pharmacology and Wave Genetics must be one. Another Rainbow Vista: the problem will be solved regeneration of organs and tissues, Therefore, and the problem of rejuvenation. For agriculture is an opportunity to create any hybrids in plants and animals. For computing is to create a biooptojelektronnyh device kvazimysljashhih, similar features and functionality with neurons. The possibility of such biokompjuterov will come close to the power of the human brain. How they work dramatically differ from DNA computers» Jejdelmana, developed mainly in the United States.