Development of wave genetics

Omonimicheskie fragments of any DNA programs “jump” (transpozicirujutsja) on the chromosomes and thus change their and adjacent meanings. So evident genetic coding redundancy, its sverhplotnost, noise immunity and semantic complexity. That is why small chromosomes, and the information in them is enormous, even if it is a small genomes of bacteria and viruses. For this reason in our chromosomes have “Mute” genes, which by all indications should be kind of outlet to give your products-protein, but this is not happening. The cell and its genome-human in some contexts “does not understand” such genes, and so they “silent”, as "silent" for us book, We do not understand. In genetics, this phenomenon is known as “the effect of the provisions of”, but its meaning is not understood. We do attempt to explain the reasons for the silence switches  conversation» DNA. And for this, we introduced the concept of DNA-wave biokompjutera live cells, capable of seriously putting DNA and other genetic texts quasi-mental shaped structures [8, 37]. Such biocomputers can manage not only movable meanings of DNA texts, but the work of the chromosome continuum as holographic media and (attention!) Photonic radio information, inherent in the genome as an attribute [36, 39]. Chromosome emit sound and laser photons, Turning radio waves, and in this important transition from the physical level encoding genetic information to wave, supplementing material. These kinds of iconic (physical and wave) Genome series are also involved in the management of metabolism in the body and in its embryonic development. Behind the idea of Photonic radio signal connection in chromosomes stands a huge chance in the modern quantum electrodynamics, called theory of localized light.

So, genetic system HIV (and, can be, SARS) – It's, including, and the totality of its “jumping” genes (Transposons), also participating in their "reflection". If we are able to monitor and manage these “jumping on the senses”, We can treat people, creating a "omonimicheskij immunity" to the virus. This idea is simple at its core, but don't just implement it. What makes genes “to jump”? As our body with its hromosomnym DNA-wave bio computer takes “solutions”, What DNA fragment and where to move? What is the precision of piloting Transposons? Accuracy DNA displacement shall be some intracellular analogues “view” and "hearing". These properties and must have DNA-wave biocomputers. He must recognize wave equivalents genetic-biochemical structures and to adjust their.

The challenge before us is to learn how to program DNA-wave biocomputers. Now it is really. Really, If the virus can behave as a reasonable, Why would we use the logic of the virus. The first step is to solve the more basic task, but associated with viral infections. Relatively easier to start working with bacteria, that is much better studied compared with animal cells, Besides have equivalent of moving genes (Transposons), only they are called plazmidami. Working with bacteria is important because, What with functions linked to man menacing plasmids phenomenon – suddenly emerging resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics. Thousands of patients are dying from infections, when antibiotics are useless. The bacteria quickly develop antidotes to them. This is amazing, largely incomprehensible phenomenon.

Imagine, Staphylococcus aureus against malicious use a powerful new antibiotic, for example, Vancomycin. A while Vancomycin successfully killing aureus, but then appears quickly clone breeding these bacteria, resistant to Vancomycin. So many antibiotics don't work. In response, pharmacologists and create all new, but the bacteria again adapt. Vicious circle. Giant problem. Interesting, that bacteria, in the confrontation and the struggle for survival, perform a huge “intellectual” work, which, under the force of the powerful Institute. They must “explore” molecular structure of antibiotic, “adopt a decision” for some chemical connection cause biochemical blow with a view to inactivate antibiotic, then synthesise the relevant gene, product which – enzyme – should make a hard case of destruction of antibiotic. And here without quasi intellectual activity of bacterial continuum (Community) can not do.

Bacterial cells, more precisely, their collective genetic apparatus, also works as a wave biokompjutera. Like human cells. And why, actually, biocomputers must be a wave? Because, that bacteria, installing the structure of antibiotic, should hold some sort of his “spectroscopy”, and this can only be done using specialized on gathering and transmitting information internal electromagnetic fields, inherent how bacterial, and animal cells. This portion of specpoljah especially difficult theoretical comprehension.