Development of wave genetics

That gives new insight into the genetic apparatus, for example, for an explanation of the nature of HIV infection or a new scourge-SARS coronavirus (virus of Severe Acute Syndrome Several (SARS))? Wave Genetics treats the human immunodeficiency virus and SARS is absolutely not because the official medicine and genetics [38, 39]. Briefly tell, the genetic apparatus of retroviruses, including HIV, “Smart and hitjor”. Incorporating into human chromosomes, as text program, HIV genome using laws of Linguistics and wave genetics and can be understood by human body, its cells, in two senses – safe and dangerous. This applies to viruses with a long latent period of maintaining in the genome of infected cells. Oncogenes are using a similar method. It is simple, effective and allows these ambiguous high-oncogenous potentially dangerous programs persist in our chromosomes as in memory long enough, many years. This linguistic technique is called Homonymy or Mnogosmyslie. One and the same word, the phrase, text, including genetic texts, infected cell can be perceived differently depending on the surrounding text. Here is an example of linguistic: words – & #8216; spit’ and & #8216; onions & #8217;. Both words – homonyms. Out of the whole text (context) they may have a different meaning. For example, HIV genome, that is, viral RNA, and then a copy of DNA, coding a virus, being implemented in Human chromosomal DNA, in one place it has one (safe) meaning for infected cells (more precisely, his absence), and elsewhere (in a different context) other, already the real, viral.

HIV-positive people can live normally for years, not suspecting anything. Their potentially sick cell virus “do not understand” the text of the DNA of the HIV and, Therefore, do not use it as a guide to action. But at some point in time, for whatever reasons unknown until DNA-virus program moves to another location in the chromosomal DNA, that is, in different context, and cells begin “understand” the true meaning of a viral text programs within the functions of cellular DNA-wave biokompjutera (DVB). The existence of this kind of computing functions of DNA it is likely [8, 37]. I.e. cellular DVB "reads, understands and executes the viral DNA program. When the DNA program was purely real nature, When basic functions, the canonical real program DNA-RNA-Protein > >. So arises and HIV multiplies, which uses the principle of 1933 ambiguity genetic texts. Just behave and oncogenes. However, SARS is not a retrovirus and, like, does not have a latent period of life in chromosomes of host cells. In this sense, it is easier to AIDS virus, which is capable of molecular mimicry-linguistic, that is the ambiguity of RNA (DNA) programs. However,, It is impossible to entirely eliminate, What revertaznye DNA RNA copies of SARS still are synthesized and "get stuck" in the human genome, with a view to all the same 1933 mimicry. In addition, viruses use molecular mimikriju "under its", When they were rapidly changing the antigenic protein composition of their membranes.
This also occurs according to the laws of Linguistics due to ambiguity reciting host cell Ribosomes homonymous codons information RNA virus. This leads to the downloading of new amino acids in the proteins of the virus [27]. This fundamental property of any genetic apparatus, starting with his triplet code of proteins.