The wave genetics

Our genetic apparatus – is a wave hologram, which is a "markup vector" programs, that allow you to create an organism as, it should be. The genetic apparatus has the ability to think.
The most important thing about human design – it the Word. "Spiritual body" – it's that, without which man would be a simple bag of meat and bones. It turned out, that the DNA nucleotide sequence is speech-like. We all come from the genetic apparatus (of a Rod (Genus)). The genetic apparatus builds DNA phrases. Among scientists, an understanding of the work of our genetic apparatus as an intelligent system is gradually formed. And this leads them to the idea of God. No wonder our ancestors knew it under the name Rod (that is, Gene). Under it, the Rod, Nature. Everything is built by Thought. Everything is reasonable. Everything has a memory.
The genetic apparatus works on two levels: material and wave. Material level – is 1% of the genes, responsible for the synthesis of proteins. Wave level – is 99% of the genes, working on the principles of holography. It represents figurative speech structures, using the principles of quantum nonlocality and the so-called teleportation of genetic information. Terms of quantum mechanics “Quantum nonlocality” and “entanglement ” not too familiar to the listener.
And here the idea arises about the relevance of understanding the wave genome.
This knowledge is the future. It is not yet in demand because of its misunderstanding.
One way or another, and not only biology and quantum physics will come to the need to study wave genetics, but also other sciences.