Leonov Alexander Sergeevich

Leonov Alexander Sergeevich

Saint-Petersburg, Leonov Alexander Sergeevich
Tel.: +79118488545 mts, viber and wap
Leonov Alexander Sergeevich graduated from Nizhny Novgorod State University with a degree in programming, developed software for laser medical equipment. After a retraining course, he began to engage in medical technology. In 2013, in St. Petersburg, he met Petr Petrovich Garyaev, and began to actively use Garyaev's matrices. Subsequently, Leonov grew interested in the works of Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev, and began to study the theory and practice of alternative medicine. I purchased a large amount of bioresonance and other medical equipment. In 2019, he opened a cabinet and became the official representative of Peter Garyaev. In our center, along with the use of their practices (bioresonance technologies), we actively use the pyramid and matrices of Garyaev.

We write and publish articles on the topic: