Linguistic Wave Genetics

Hot topics in biology, looking for the answer to the wave genetics.

Lingvističnost′ genetic information gives us the opportunity to create artificial genetic programs, based on knowledge of the grammar of genetic languages-the languages of the creator, If we learn and understand. Their, probably, many. This is plûralističnost′, mental multidimensionality genome. In practice a huge is the creation of new useful genes, and Geno-holograms, correction of invalid, the treatment of all diseases, programmed longevity etc..
Golografičnost′ genetic information gives even better prospects, Since the hologram you can create new artificial temporal structure and lyrics, control organisms in the right direction. This position in the genome allows us to consider the human body from the perspective of ideas d. Bohm of the golografičnosti Universe (and man) and access to full information about every person from birth to death to bring every living human in normal, healthy condition. You can explore the entire history of mankind from the moment of its creation in the universe.

Quantum nonlocality (Teleport) genetic information to create instant information contacts (biointernet) at all distances without the use of electromagnetic fields, but on the basis of biospintroniki. This development version Linguistics Wave genetics based on one of our idea, that thinking and consciousness is derived from the genetic apparatus of our cells (including. neurons) as quantum biokomp′ûterov. Implementation of biointerneta would mean the exit of humanity development to another level.

Despite the successes of molecular genetics and cell biology, so far, the key mechanisms of the iconic features of the genetic apparatus remain unclear. As a matter of fact, unanswered is the fundamental ideological question-how complex Biosystems "collapse" in the relatively simple chromosomes and "unfold" in adult organisms? This was after the publication of the, the team of r. Prûita (Pardujskij University in the United States) managed to elegantly prove, that the laws of Mendel in genetics do not always run. This was evident in the, that in adult plants Arabidopsis phenotypically normal HotHead gene revealed , which was not in the original mutant seeds, but who was the ancestral plants. Missing in the chromosomes of "virtual" was replaced by a real HotHead gene mutant gene HotHead. The explanation for this phenomenon is. Suggested, the normal gene is stored as a revertaznaâ RNA copy of a genome or cytoplasm of mutant plants. This weak and vulnerable explanation, an experimental evidence, the authors themselves recognize and. Let's Say, that this assumption is correct, then all the "old" evolutionary and not mutant genes should be stored in RNA revertaznyh copies at least in germ cells. In such a situation, they have to be the size of a Mont Blanc. Classical genetics the unexplained phenomenon of the return of ancestral gene rose to the surface a series of unspoken and unresolved major issues of genetics and Embryology.

  1. Voblirovanie 3-nucleotide in codon to confer resistance makes the canonical genetic code table scene of potential errors in the synthesis of proteins, because it automatically shows the Homonymy of significant coins in kodonah, When a pair of identical duplicates of coding for different amino acids. The third nucleotide codons can be any of the four, the postulated s. Creek. However,, error when selecting amino acids highly unlikely, and it's an amazing fact. His explanation takes us into other spatial dimensions of real genetic code, responsible for the development of the entire body of oocyte, and not just for the biosynthesis of proteins.
  2. Situation, when 98% of the genome of eukaryotes are considered "garbage", in the best case, some strange code, or triplet Assistant cemetery of viral genomes.
    2% human DNA encoding (about 30thousand. genes) was very close so the pigs, asses, flies and e. coli. However,, in human DNA found thousands of genes, not encode proteins 12 (In addition to the known so-called. "silent" genes), that raises the question (yet unanswered) of their appointment.
  3. Genes for unknown reasons and laws transpozitsiruyutsya 3- (D) a continuum of chromosomes, "just being nominated" sites. It is "whom" and "appointed" these places and how exact "piloting and landing" Transposons.
    Genes for unknown reasons are introns and exons, the biological significance of introns are not clear.
  4. Matrix independent synthesis of certain types of RNA (with. 6 S RNA), implemented Q replicase and RNA synthesis by a polymerase of bacteriophage T 7 RNA 4,5 , that violates the canonical principle purely real DNA replication, RNA.
  5. Phantom leaf effect, When a part of the living leaf remembers his whole image.
  6. Strange on distant features of selector genes of morphogenesis (for example, kruppel gene in fruit flies), when their products are synthesized in one place of the embryo, and the effect is manifested in another, undertake hundreds of cells. All these and other little understood of the iconic features of the chromosomes are forced to think and to prove, that genetic memory has other attributes, significantly complement protein code. Probably, they have a wave nature.

Questions raised. Our work to some extent, they are. This is the main content of this site.

Doctor of biological sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and RAMTN, Peter P. Garyaev.