Linguistic Wave Genetics

The essence and role of lingvistiko-wave genetics

Why did the Linguistic Wave Genetics? Is it possible to do without it?
The Birth Of Linguistics Wave genetics occurred in the 20-ies of the last century, starting with the research of Russian scientists is Gurvich, Lûbiŝeva and Vladimir Beklemishev. Even then, they intuitively feel, that is pure real, physico-chemical understanding of gene and hereditary enough. It has been almost a century, and rascvetšaâ came to the assistance of quantum physics. In its place arose such as laser physics, holography, solitonika, theory of quantum nonlocality. And, as a consequence of, the opportunity to consider the function of chromosomes and genetic coding.
By this time already accumulated a lot of problems in trying to properly understand the genetic apparatus and apply this understanding to the benefit of people is to have the, so they do not hurt and lived significantly longer, how they live now.

As it became clear, particularly in the last decade, our understanding of our own chromosomes do not fully, but wrongly and, Moreover, This led medicine, Genetics, Agriculture in dangerous state of degeneration of mankind. Why? The researchers were made major scientific errors in understanding the key mechanisms of genetic code. Paradox, this did not prevent M.Nirenbergu to receive the Nobel Prize in 1968, it was for the alleged disclosure of genetic coding mechanisms. These errors have led to the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and use them for the production of GMO in food, and also led to the creation of the so-called. «sintij» — the bacteria with artificial genome. In the Gulf of Mexico Cynthia kill all life, including people on the coast. This brings huge profits for a handful of billionaires, on the one hand, and slowly leads to the inescapable degeneration of mankind on the other. Now, When it became clear several groups of advanced academics, There was a problem-what to do? And here is where the opportunities Linguistics Wave genetics to resolve the impasse and we realized, that, Despite the resistance of the dogmatists of science and huge GMO product business, without Linguistics Wave genetics can not do.

As Linguistic Wave Genetics understand the real mechanisms of chromosomes?
It cannot be said, that all, made by the Genetics and molecular biology, wrong. Much useful and properly. However, mistakes are indefensible and must be corrected, before it's too late. The main mistake of previous research in the, that genome was seen as purely physical function, While they dualističny, even multidimensional, multiple. From the positions of the Linguistics Wave genetics features of the chromosomes are implemented at multiple levels-the real (Here are concentrated the main research). And the quantum-mental. Study of isolated here and are in their infancy. But quantum-mental level and have a strategic arena development biology and genetics with other, distant horizons, the associated decision problem of GMOS in products and sintij.
Detailed research and analysis of the genetic apparatus showed roots misconceptions researchers. They are in the, What is not understood, ignored quasi speech, the mental component of chromosomes and DNA, and she's home. Everything else in the genome is subject to text-voice attributes of DNA, as the main function of the genome-biokomp′ûtera. Yes, You can say, the genetic apparatus thinks and understands our level. And this is the, In addition, is the Foundation of thinking-consciousness the brain. But this is a special theme.
So, What is the actual mechanism or vector work?
There are three main:

  1. Lingvističnost′, i.e. tekstovost′ genetic programs (at the level of the biosynthesis of proteins) in the real, not the metaphorical sense.
  2. Golografičnost′, i.e. the ability to create parts of the wave (quantum) razmetočnuû spatial and temporal structure of Biosystems, including. Human, Since certain stages of embryo development.
  3. Quantum nonlocality (Teleport) genetic information, goes even beyond the body, as a basis for future sociokommunikacij.

Each of these vectors may contain podvektora. For example, 3 vector, probably, splits the electromagnetic and spin components. That can give such an understanding of the genome in the applied, practical terms?