Interview in Hamburg

Interview with p.p.. Garyaev

Interview with p.p.. Garyaev

– Petr Petrovich, tell, You are welcome, where to begin work on the pipeline you scientific direction and necessary technologies. It is worldwide recognized as something brilliant.
– Genetic coding interested me always, but for several decades I have dealt with this in theory (this stage is fundamentally important in any research activities). The transition to implementation of theoretical developments in practice was the regularity, Since me and my colleagues were able to prove, that the classic model of the genetic code contains a serious error.
– Who helped translate your ideas into practice in Germany?
«Metavital» became our main "ally" in Germany. Jointly with the leading specialists of the company based on the BRM was created spinmatric (bioregulâcionnyj module). As a matter of fact, BRM is the connecting link between spin matrices, the system of functional diagnostics and therapy of OBERON and patient.
– Please explain, You are welcome, How does the BRM.
– He writes the special wave processes-such, for which human genetic apparatus reacts optimally. Genetic apparatus works simultaneously on two different levels: the text structures of protein genes and quantum structures (This is a higher level of functioning of chromosomes). We record quantum structures in the form of sound, which has a spin supergenetičeskuû component, the administering body. She is endowed with biological activity. Then there are, spin supergeny can transmit body correcting information. We have developed BRM matrix are combined, on the basis of idepl′nogo of the human condition, so state, that occurs during illness. OBERON system corrective information "refers to" the body and begins in conjunction with spinmatricami work.
– Petr Petrovich, tell, You are welcome, When and how did you first began to use spinmatricy.
– Start put one very interesting case, of which my colleagues and I often recall. In our field of view turned out to be patient, which suffered a hemorrhage in the brain, resulting in the right half of the body was paralysed. We created specially for her quantum spinmatricu, that woman tapped several times per day, and sound, as you know, may transfer the torsion (spin) component. To the surprise of bores and physicians, watching the patient, She was able to fully recover, but the quality of her life has returned to the same parameters. Now in our list of successes is in a huge number of people, our methodology has brought full recovery, some of them have been paralyzed for decades. Of course, These results are encouraging and give forces, to work in this direction continued.
– How fast are your theoretical development manages to implement?
– I would like to mention, that the work of the Institute of quantum Genetics is, Perhaps, not a factor, which has the primary role. Almost all the previous work we are able to realize, but the timing is always individual, for example, We have achieved successful stem cell programming, that in itself is a breakthrough factor in regenerative medicine, and indeed in genetics and biology in General, but the time it took many.
– What diseases and systemic problems you've encountered, What results did you achieve?
– We had an interesting case with cystic fibrosis. The patient was only 4,5 years, and the disease was just under the height of. Mortality in this disease is 100%, because such children in one of the most important genes are absent three-nucleotide codons, that leads to the incorrect enzyme (without adequate vital functions is not possible). This baby we were able to help! Created for her special spin matrices (filmed with the genetic material of relative quantum equivalent of DNA, that recreate the missing nucleotides-codons). As a matter of fact, function Feh genes, that encode the necessary for activity of the enzyme, Phantom performs DNA
– It seems incredible, is it really possible?
– Even if it is perceived credibility, but we have real evidence, that this approach works. Judge for yourself: Luc Montaigner, Antoine, who became a Nobel laureate in 2008, followed us revealed, the nature of DNA and genes dualistična, that is, DNA, as a substance, can separated from themselves their quantum equivalents and they can be transmitted at a distance on the principle of radio waves, containing genetic torsion component. Without false modesty, I would like to mention, the research of our Institute Quantum genetics in this direction took place much earlier, than Luc Montagnier. In spite of the fact, What we saw misunderstandings in academia, continue to work as a nezaviimye group with Luc Montaigner to DNA fantomoobrazovaniâ, After all, this is a real way of storage of genetic information, that can be used for the benefit of the patient. Luc Montaigner, to tell the truth, luckier-he is Chinese (with their wisdom not to argue) provided a Institute in Shanghai. I hope, that lucky and us-due support will be provided in Moscow.
– In your opinion, for future DNA fontomoobrazovaniem regenerative medicine?
– Yes, I suppose, that this is a breakthrough in the field of regenerative medicine: phantoms DNA really work and are able to correct disease, and it means, You can remove any pathology, including raise the legs paralyzed patients, heal the kids from cystic fibrosis, etc.. and so on. Now we stand on the threshold of the quantum (and linguistic) Genetics, that has already proved its right to exist and is poised to become the main focus of modern medicine.
– In modern medicine stem cells is given a huge role, what works in this direction you spend?
– Using phantoms DNA human stem cells can be programmed, and the results can be fantastic. For example, When you enter certain information is regenerated retina, molars, intestinal tracts, etc.. So far this is sporadic, After all, provided a small laboratory to conduct large-scale work not just. Lack of adequate funding is another obstacle, preventing actively introduce experiences in life.
– In matters of rejuvenation you probably too succeeded?
– On the basis of the theory of Lingvistiko-wave genetics, rejuvenation is the real challenge, You can solve. In practice, we had such a case. In our institute turned 4 women, wish to turn back the clock and return the youth. At that time, they were about 80 years old. For them we created the quantum acoustic spin programs, containing torsion component. Throughout the year, women used these sound spectra, listening to them almost 24 hours long at low sound intensity. As a result of, the patients menstrual cycle resumed, significantly changed the appearance of the. It is important to note, that ageing, and rejuvenation is a non-linear processes, everything is much more difficult, but we are on the right track. The establishment of a number of Spectra, that affect man, can lead to a general rejuvenation. We know, How to write the necessary spectra, What recording modes, and, in spite of the fact, that is a laborious and expensive work, We are able to bring her to the end.
– Huge request: explain, You are welcome, available language, How do you operate a matrix-where does sound, what you do with it further?
– The sounds we use special. To start off we need a biological object, for example, umbilical cord blood, the placenta, picture of the patient in childhood. Conduct special laser scan and get a complex nonlinear spectrum-modulated broadband electromagnetic radiation. It is a secondary radiation of the laser, and it is up and running. This electromagnetic radiation is spinor or torsion field. While scanning an object laser photons are modulated by polarization, that is over spine condition, and the result is a polarized photons. This is the first step in removing information from an object. Immediately, instantly occurs and secondary removal information. The photons are converted into broadband electromagnetic radiation according to the theory of localized light. We abbreviated named MŠEI. Such radiation is fractal. Because its spectral composition is incredibly wide (from 315 nanometers to longer wavelengths infinitely) and he is not linear fractal, We have the ability to record information about a person in any wavelength range. Usually, Select wavelength, remote at a decent distance from the radiowave noise of megacities (We particularly do not interfere with, but it's so much easier to fix spectra). Secondary modulated field (MŠEI) using the radio or the radio station we write in the form of sound, for example, in WAVE format.
– As sound leads to torsion field?
– Sound can also be torsion and carrier information. If the analogy, You can imagine the sound, in the form of horses, and torsion field-rider. The uniqueness of the torsion field is, that:
spread it can infinitely far away;
has great penetrating power (for example, reach can even object, located in stone or metal bunker), that has to do not with the characteristics of electromagnetic radiation (they can persist in the environment and faded out, and absorbed), namely, the torsional component of electromagnetic field, that has no barriers.
The merit of our Institute in the, What we have learned to transmit genetic information in the form of spinmatric, that in the future, undoubtedly, will be a key moment in medicine and genetics.
– Another question on stem cells: What is the procedure for working with them?
– From adipose tissue specific patient we distinguish mesenchymal stem cells. You cannot use the alien stem cells, Since it is not excluded risk exclusion and the development of cancerous processes. Dedicated mesenchymal cells are placed in standby mode, that is, using a system of quantum programmes they can be programmed to turn in the proper organs and tissues: Kidney and liver, the heart muscle and bone tissue, retina, brain or spinal cord, etc.. This process is called citodifferencirovki. Our equipment with maximum accuracy mimics differencirovočnye processes, which in the human body are implemented.
– What kind of equipment do you use for this purpose?
– We use Helium-Neon laser, which quantumly imitates the work of chromosomes at the level of photon radiation. Considering, chromosomes that are analogs and lasers capable of emitting coherent light in the range of 250 to 800 nanometers, You can choose from a range of (We used red). The laser tracks spin Geno-iconic status of chromosomes, i.e. writes and transmits the genetic information on the quantum level. You can record the information or pass on the human body, that allows you to pause or completely block leaking pathological processes and aging. As a matter of fact, We through torsion component transfer a healthy genetic information per person. Conducted in this direction of research, as well as physical-mathematical basis for us in detail and published. We program and stem cells enter the appropriate quantum program. As a source of spin information can be used fresh abortivnyj material, for example, neurons of the spinal cord or the brain, liver cells, Kidney etc.. Especially successful experience for tissue regeneration of the spinal cord-programming stem cell information from neurons allows to restore nerve tissue, and this is a pledge that, that paralyzed people can again move.
– The use of foreign material as a source of information not dangerous?
– No, risks excluded completely. Since we only use the information from the healthy cells abortivnogo material, It does not matter, alien or not. Exclusion we have not observed any time. The information we provide on the stem cells of the patient and their oblučaem spin-acoustic field, programming on their transformation into needed cells. In this way, We grow stem cells, that can differentiate into neurons in the human body, brain or spinal cord. Then programmed the stem cells are injected into the bloodstream of the human. Usually, enough 3-5 sessions, to start recovering the motor activity of the paralyzed man.
– Is there any particular rehabilitation amid such treatment?
– At first, there is a need to use satellite equipment and accessories, help the patient to take the first steps, but he can at 90-95% can independently control his body. In our practice, was a severe case, When asked by the relatives of the patient, suffered a serious injury at the age of 20 years (the gap in the spinal cord, brain damage). For 10 years, the patient was at rest, could not alone swallow, facial expression on his face was absent. For a while, We are working (almost 2 years) to him gradually returning the motor activity. To date, he can keep his head, smile, learns of the father.
– What are the prospects for your designs in terms of tissue regeneration bodies?
– Huge! Through the use of stem cells, we can not only treat, but also rejuvenate the body, replacing the old organs young. Progress is guaranteed, but now we need to support the "official science". As long as there are obstacles and not as strong support for the scientific world, talk about implementing broad prospects for early.
– Your destination is called Lingvistiko-wave Genetics, What is the reason?
– The Foundation put domestic researchers, like Gurvich, Beklemishev, and other. Genetic coding of proteins based on the speech builds letters genes chromosomal DNA. The DNA protein genes only about 1%, but this percentage is huge, because protein genes in many ways endowed with speech-like structure, for example, based on fractal dimensions. If you look on the other side, It is a system images, whereas other system images is holography. Of the total genetic information of 98-99% work as holograms, and you can write them all, anything-though human image, Although the oration, only a little differently. It's, As a matter of fact, and there is a lingvistiko-wave genetics. The name "Wave" due to the fact, that team also realized through chromosome quantum processes, are chromosomes. Then there are, chromosomes act as a quantum biokomp′ûtera, capable of, on the one hand generate speech commands, on the other hand, holographic shaped structure (they are just targeting system in the process of embryo development). Perhaps, This is a topic that is difficult to understand, Therefore, I will not delve. I say easier: using our laser equipment we simulate quantum processes, inherent in the genetic apparatus of man, namely the linguistic quasi voice processes, same as holographic, and quantum nonlocality.
– Petr Petrovich, explain, You are welcome, How does correction of pathological state of human?
– Superficially all simple enough. For example, patient, suffers some disease or cancer develops process. When the proper functioning of the genetic apparatus of such processes are blocked, but sometimes lack their own forces on their block or eliminate. In this case, we use spinmatricy, that mimic natural team. Then there are, We do not invent a particular image or genetic text, and using a laser read ready information or with cells, or with existing genes. And even with the corresponding photo. Then in the form of a sound spectrum or MŠÈI stem cell injections, programmed us, We transfer the information on the patient's body. This is the process of adjusting, carried out through speech and holographic commands. The second system, used us, This system images. With its help we would serve as the body and tissue, and at the cellular level, as he further developed, How to block pathological processes. Let's explore, that in its essence is a cancerous tumor. Her appearance means, that in time and space of the body structure has occurred, not covered by the nature, Therefore, you need to remove, and for this organism requires a specific team: text and holographic (they work in conjunction). As a result of such exposure cancer disappears. How we achieve this result? We give the patient image system, that are inherent in healthy person, for example, When he was a newborn and healthy. We may also use images of its healthy kin in childhood. Then there are, We just use it correctly, that already exists in nature, give the body the desired commands, and he begins to function without glitches and bugs.
– Spin matrix BRM, What is this?
– Using laser technology, You can record a quantum of a vast number of equivalents of bioactive substances, and hundreds of them. Not required to take them orally or injected into the body in the form of injections, After all, you can just listen. The effect in this case is achieved much more pronounced. There is a unique work of Dr. Ebers, to deal with the treatment of common pathologies-tinnitus. In accordance with his condition, patients are recommended to some combination of matrix. For some time people using unique equipment listened as equivalent torsion sound at frequencies of human speech. Results are spectacular, with, No pill, There are no injections! This treatment not only is painless, but affordable. Enough to put under the pillow and sleep player, and then the body will "recover" independently, After all, I have developed spinmatricy speak the same language with your chromosomes. Similarly, it is possible to treat not only human beings, but animals.
– Petr Petrovich, you have published works?
– Yes, I wrote 3 books, the latter was released in Ukraine-«Lingvistiko-wave gene. Theory and practice". In this work I have summarized intermediate results, showed, How to really work the genetic apparatus. It became and the theoretical, and experimental base, that could give impetus to the development of completely new genetics, medicine, Agriculture, Informatics, etc..
– What are your plans for the future?
– Together with their colleagues dream to realize all our ideas to life., -develop biocomputers based on our chromosomes, that, certainly, will allow humanity to make a huge leap forward. Another thought is to develop a device for realization of telepathy (all already have, It only remains to implement). This idea is absolutely real, because genetic information is actually the quantum cross-premises and teleported inside the body, and out of it. By transferring not decrypted until information from èlektroèncegologrammy in torsion field due to its conversion in MŠÈI range , It will be possible to communicate using telepathy. Then there are, As a matter of fact, is the Internet the future-biointernet, works not based on electronics, and at the expense of bioelectronics. Another problem is overcoming the incomprehension between formal science and our Institute, specializing in Lingvistiko wave genetics. Hope, that this will happen, After all, progress cannot be stopped.
– Thank you very much, Petr Petrovich, for an in-depth interview! We wish you success and overcome all obstacles, who do not yet permit the wheel of history to turn another prong.