Chronic fatigue syndrome

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Chronic fatigue syndrome

definition, diagnosis and treatment of an innovative method

Fatigue, occurs even without objective reasons-the complaint is so common, not immediately patients rush to visit the doctor and certainly not eager to start a course of restoration treatment. Usually in such situations, poor overall health to overwork is debited. How to get out of this State, people prefer to decide, based on the minimal knowledge. Need adequate rest at night, long vacation, a change of scenery and a decrease in the intensity of physical activity-that's what the people at an early stage, conscious, that fatigue them clawing at his arms.
What is the real picture, What happens in the body and actually leads to the development of chronic fatigue cindroma?

Background and inexorable statistics

In 1984, Paul Cheney, a doctor from Nevada (United States) for the first time coined the term chronic fatigue syndrome, which, according to his observations combined in itself complex symptoms: fatigue in the absence of significant changes in lifestyle, depressive state, deterioration in the mood. Earlier revisions of this nature have already appeared in the sight of doctors, in particular, psychiatrist x. J. Freudenberg 10 years before Paul Cheney singled out such deviations in a separate category, called "emotional burnout". It was first observed, that this set of mostly develops in people, whose professional activity is connected with constant communication (patients, clients, trust, etc.). To The Credit Of P. Cheney was due to excessive fatigue detection with Epstein-Barr virus and other related viruses Herpes. Later, this fact has been carefully studied, Indeed doctors managed to confirm, viruses are one of the many reasons, leading to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Statistics on the incidence vary widely:
• 10 patients per 100 thousand (United States) up to 37 per 100 thousand (Australia);
• are more prone to chronic fatigue syndrome women (they are sick 2 times more often male population);
• the main age group of 25-45 years;
• more frequently this pathology is diagnosed in metropolitan areas.

Chronic fatigue syndrome: definition, Diagnostics

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease and is listed in the international classification of diseases called mialgičeskij encephalomyelitis. It is a complex of symptoms, among which dominate: feeling of constant, not declining even after full sleep or a long holiday fatigue and fatigue, disproportionate with the physically demanding. Also chronic fatigue syndrome It is diagnosed based on the presence for several months at least 4 symptoms from the following list:
• pain and weakness in the muscles;
• sleep disorders;
• decreased ability to concentrate;
• memory impairment, excessive fatigue after work;
• prolonged recovery following the usual physical exertion;
• pain in the joints of the migratory nature of;
• increase in cervical lymph nodes;
• depression;
• mental symptoms: anxiety, anxiety, depression, apathy, irritability, lethargy;
• physical symptoms: tremor of the hands, weight loss, reduction or excessive increase of appetite, inhibition of appetite.

The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome develops gradually and, as a rule, is the reason for treatment to a doctor after the, as the main and several additional syndromes is manifested clearly and degrade the quality of life. The etiology of this disease is multifactorial, and among the major reasons doctors identify the following:
• violation of the regime of work and rest for a long time;
• chronic sleep deprivation;
• frequent and prolonged stress;
• the need to make difficult decisions and find a way out of difficult situations;
• physical fatigue;
• excessive intellectual load.

Under the influence of the above factors runs a chain of progressive pathological processes: going on metabolic and, as a consequence of, samootravlenie toxins, to which the response body is allergic. Accumulating in tissues when such modifications are lactic acid provokes myalgia (muscle pain). Changed to pathological values of the nervous system has a negative impact on the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems. In addition, we cannot overemphasize the role of inflammatory diseases (especially the chronic hotbeds of infection) in the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Linguistic Wave Genetics: a fundamentally new approach to the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

During the period of time, When doctors learned how to properly diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome, It was suggested that many treatments and rehabilitation of such patients. We have also developed spa programmes, preventative measure employees at risk for the disease. However,, curious scientists and inventors have never stopped and continued research in the field of treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, and quite successfully. One of the innovative techniques nowadays became Lingvistiko technology-wave genetics, developed at the Institute of Quantum Genetics team physicians and geneticists headed by academician of RANS, RAMTN and LIST p.p.. Garyaev. Technique for correction of pathological conditions includes the use of special sound programs-matrices, working at frequencies, safe for the human body.

Results, achieved through the application of technology Lingvistiko-wave genetics:
• enhancing and physical, and mental performance;
• improved mood;
• get rid of feelings of constant tiredness;
• Elimination of myalgia and other symptoms, related chronic fatigue syndrome;
• an increase in the activity of the immune system;
• strengthen the resilience;
• achieving emotional stability.

Chronic fatigue syndrome program selected for each patient individually. The following factors are taken into account:
• features of the organism;
• duration of disease;
• the predominance of those or other symptoms;
• the presence of concomitant diseases of acute or chronic nature;
• existing functional disorders of systems and organs.

As a consequence of the application of Lingvistiko wave genetics, the goal is achieved – the quality of life of the patient improves.

Garyaev Matrix : advantages of application

The feasibility of using matrices of academician p.p.. Garâeva chronic fatigue syndrome is due to a number of advantages, in particular, It's:

1. High efficiency
With the help of the program turns out to be a complex effect: and symptoms, and the causes, giving rise to chronic fatigue syndrome. When you do this quickly and painlessly eliminates all problems, associated with the violation of neuroendocrine regulation amid the depletion of the nervous system, and lower the body's defenses. Additional positive effects of programmes p.p.. Garyaev – Elimination of chronic inflammatory processes in the body, regardless of their localization, and other opportunistic diseases and functional disorders.

2. Resistance results
Studies confirm, Lingvistiko-wave technology of genetics in contrast to traditional treatment (symptomatic medicines assignment) allows to achieve persistent results. It is important to, that the use of Garâeva programmes in addition to eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome plays a preventive role and, because you can prevent the development of endocrine and neurological disorders.

3. No side effects
As a result of numerous studies have unequivocally proved, that chronic fatigue syndrome Lingvistiko-wave genetics methods do not have adverse effects on the human body and are absolutely safe.

Manager syndrome

Manager syndrome one of the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome
Manager syndrome – the term is relatively new, He is one of the varieties of chronic fatigue syndrome. Usually, a similar syndrome develops in staff, are excessively loaded at work and dedicate it at least 10 hours daily. Increased responsibility, proportional position in the company and position, in conjunction with constant psychological tension, stress and the need to make difficult decisions, leads to the development of a manager's syndrome. As well as chronic fatigue syndrome, It is treatable with technology Lingvistiko-wave genetics and is successfully used for the prevention of this common in today's world of Pathology.