Несколько наших публикаций за рубежом
1. Garyaev P.P., Vikhert A.M., Zakharkina G.A., Alexandrova L.G., 1977, Endogenous reserpine-like substances in the myocardium and other tissues of man and animals., USA-USSR First Joint Symposium on Sudden Death. Yalta, USSR, October 3-5, 1977, pp.323-338.
2. Gariaev P.P., Chudin V.I., Komissarov G.G., Berezin A.A., Vasiliev A.A., 1991, Hologrphic Associative Memory of Biological Systems, Proceedings SPIE — The International Society for Optical Engineering. Optical Memory and Neural Networks. v.1621, p.280- 291. USA.
3. Gariaev P.P., 1994, DNA as source of new kind of God «knowledge», Act and Facts/Impact series, N12, pp,7-11.
4. Maslov M.U., Gariaev P.P., 1994, Fractal Presentation of Natural Language Texts and Genetic Code. 2nd International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics «QUALICO-94″. September 20-24. (1994). Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philological Faculty. pp.193-194.
5. Gariaev P.P., Vasiliev A.A., Berezin A.A., 1994, Holographic associative memory and information transmission by solitary waves in biological systems. SPIE — The International Society for Optical Engineering. CIS Selected Papers. Coherent Measuring and Data Processing Methods and Devices. v.1978, pp.249-259.
6. S.A. Reshetnyak, V.A. Shcheglov, V.I. Blagodatskikh, P.P. Gariaev, and M.Yu.Maslov, 1996, Mechanism of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with a biosystem, Laser Physics, v.6, N2, pp.621-653.
7. Berezin A.A., Gariaev P.P., Gorelik V.S., Reshetniak S.A., Shcheglov V.A., 1996, Is it possible to create laser on information biomacromolecules? Laser Physics, v.6, N6, pp.1211-1213.
8. A.A. Berezin, P.P. Gariaev, S.A. Reshetniak, K.V. Shaitan, V.A. Shcheglov., 1996, To the problem of possible development at a biolaser working on Frolich modes. Prepr. P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute №49, 12с.
9. Gariaev P.P., Tertishny G.G., Kampf U., Muchamedjarov F., Leonova E.A., 1999, Fractal structure in DNA code and human language: Towards a semiotics of biogenic unformation. 7th International congress of the international association for semiotic studies (IASS/AIS). TU Dresden, October 3-6, 1999. p. 161.
10. Peter P. Gariaev, Boris I. Birshtein, Alexander M. Iarochenko, Peter J. Marcer, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf ., 2001, The DNA-wave biocomputer. “CASYS” – International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems (ed. D.M.Dubois), Liege, Belgium, v.10, pp.290-310.
11. Peter P. Gariaev, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova., 2002, The Wave, Probabilistic and Linguistic Representations of Cancer and HIV. Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions Vol. I, №.2
12. P.P.Gariaev, G.G.Tertishny, A.M. Iarochenko, V.V.Maximenko, E.A.Leonova, 2002, The spectroscopy of biophotons in non-local genetic regulation. Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions Vol.I Nr. 3
13. Peter P. Gariaev, Boris I. Birshtein, Alexander M. Iarochenko, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf, Peter J. Marcer, 2002, Fractal structure in DNA code and human language: towards a semiotic of biogenetic information. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, volume 13, 2002, pp. 255-273, ISSN 1373-5411 ISBN 2-9600262-7-6.
14. P.Gariaev, 2003, Der wellengenetische Code. Tattva Viveka, №20, pp.68-73. (in German)
15. Another Understanding of the Model of Genetic Code Theoretical Analysis. Gariaev P.P. Open Journal of Genetics, 2015, 5, 92-109. Published Online June 2015 in SciRes.
16. The Syhomy of the Genetic Code Is the Path to the Real Speech Characteristics of the Encoded Proteins. P. P. Gariaev, E. A. Leonova-Gariaeva. Open Journal of Genetics, 2018, 8, 15-33. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojgen ISSN Online: 2162-4461 ISSN Print: 2162-4453.