Review number 93113731

I would like to inform you, that after two weeks of listening to the new matrix I feel good. More active and energetic. Less tired, do housework. Now I go to the market sometimes , and visit, what I couldn't do before. Sharp pain in the arms has gone. Memory improved .
And what is very significant for me, the skin on the legs became softer and smoother, especially foot and heel. Soon they will be, like in a baby photo! Face while washing – cheeks are smooth and as if smeared from the inside with something. Very pleasant feeling. I don't use cream anymore.
And the vision has changed: I used to have +3 glasses,5, always read with glasses. Now I read almost without glasses, I even forget, where do I have them. But in the distance I see everything well, except I don’t see price tags on store windows.
Thank you and your entire team.

February 24, 2016