Review number 26965731

Dear Petr Petrovich! We ordered from you "DNA Sounds" for our grandson, who was born 800 grams and did not breathe on his own. Giving oxygen through a large mask damaged his retina (retinopathy) and he does not see from birth. Moreover, later showed signs of autism ... (Luckily, one of these signs is amazing, verbatim memory for everything, perfect ear for music). But! Inability to communicate with other children, lack of concentration, aggression, uncontrolled excitement).
You sent us "sounds of DNA", made from a photo of his mother, when she was two years old. It was November 26, 2012. I recorded your sounds through the recorder for him, continuous 30 min, and he listens to them through the player. Set it early in the morning, while he sleeps, and during daytime naps. Now he listens HIMSELF., 3 times a day is mandatory (half an hour). 2 times in the car on the way to school, and before going to bed. He LIKES those sounds.
I want to share SUCCESSES with you !
In the same, In 2012, the grandson went to the 1st grade. At the end of November, there was already a question about transferring him to home schooling (he could talk during class, get up and walk around the class, was fighting ). The school left him conditionally until the New Year ...
Already after 2 months of listening to the program, my grandson was got 5 plus in mathematics at school! Such marks are generally extremely rare, in my opinion. Personally, I've never seen it in my life.
He learned to play for a long time even with girls in their calm role-playing games (He's a dad, or a teacher, or a son). Here the key word is "long" and "calm". He also establishes contacts with the boys, judging by the bruises and scratches he has. But the parents of the children have no complaints about it.
And I've already mentioned about studying...
In all oral he was "brilliant" anyway (these are the words of the selection committee, which we passed in front of the school). But writing in Braille, then read it with your fingers, and counting – it was a huge problem, because he couldn't keep his attention more, than for a minute... The signs of autism are fading away – he has expanded his world, concentration and perseverance appeared, there is no longer a question of homeschooling. Thanks to the 5th for reading, writing, and mathematics, he began to receive praise and is trying even harder...
Despite lack of vision, he learned to play electronic games on a touchscreen phone. And even wins!
It's been 2.5 years, since he listens to sounds, now the grandson is 10 years old, he was brought to the cottage and then he asked me for the first time, "you can explain to me, why can't I see with my eyes?".
We discussed everything with him, I told him about alternative vision, and he consciously decided to do it. Traditionally, we sought help from a doctor in St. Petersburg. I asked the doctor to "take a look.", what happens with my grandson during the listening to DNA sounds , and is it worth continuing to listen to them. Doctor: "Amazing, but first the sound affects the cerebellum, then to the peripheral part of the brain. Touches the eye area, but very slightly. I strongly advise you to listen. It (the brain) turns on and very strongly". I tell him, that the grandson has a time lag in the processing of information. For example, he counts for a long time on mathematics. (Already noticed by psychologists, that autistic people have an "informational slow metabolism"). Doctor: "I told you, the cerebellum is turning on , and then the peripheral parts of the brain get affected. Listen to these sounds. They really provoke reflex connections".
Dear Petr Petrovich, I think, what to offer your DNA Sounds to autistic people. And this is now a huge problem all over the world. According to American statistics, on 88 children 1 is born autistic. And they predict, that in 15 years every second child will be born with autism!
Thank you so much, for your work, for your creativity! We wish you success, insights, the joy of everything happening around.

May 31, 2015