Review № 2643581673-2

Experience in the treatment of burns of 2-3 degrees is quite extensive. The patient in '61, He fell in the bath on the stove off balance.
Applied not just, 7 days. Treatment as such has not received. Wound on a back surface of the back and the right hand. When handling due to pain was observed insomnia.
On the first day the wound has been used to develop the linguistic institute wave geneteki –ZHKM. In the same night was asleep, without pain. All photos will be attached, wound using standard methods to heal for a long time, and okontsove razivitiya high risk of keloid scars, which would lead to contractures.

The first days after the burn.
The first days after the burn

Against the background of the use ZHKIM epitelizirovalas wound on the eyes. Upon completion of wound healing without any signs epitelizirovalas keloid scars 10 days, on the 7th day is almost completely healed, despite its size and depth. Around the wound ointment to use information, I always do in the treatment of any injury. Almost always there is the surrounding tissue, both in myocardial- stunned myocardium, and for wounds, ishimizirovannye and impregnated fabric slags, under high toxicity, I always treat their information with ointment. results bombicheskie. Because of the people of the wooden consciousness, does not work to change the deep-rooted treatments ... and implement cutting-edge technology, which are publicly available only at the Institute of Quantum Genetics, in the rest of the world is a top-secret technology, due to their high efficiency and non-invasive. Пожалуйста, polyubuytes: in these photos the whole chronology of the rapid healing of the burn wound of 2-3 degrees.

1 day after ligation.
1 day after ligation

3rd day after ligation.
3rd day after ligation

The 10th day from the beginning of dressing.
The 10th day from the beginning of dressing

The 10th day from the beginning of the dressing 2
A month after healing, pigment deposition in new epithelial cells, nonsense for such extensive wounds, the conventional treatment would have been scar tissue white. And this site is eventually not even find on the body. And this is not the first such a precedent. Treated burn a child. A couple of weeks could not find where they were burned.
A month later

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12 March 2020