Review number 112513731

Hello, Doctors could not determine the cause of the disease. Presumably, the disease arose on a nervous basis. Initially, from the end of August, black spots on the legs began to appear. I went to the doctors, they shrugged their hands, prescribed some strange ointments, there was no result. Then purulent wounds began to appear on the sites of black spots. Then the disease reached to a degree, that my legs got swollen, it became impossible to walk, I didn't sleep at night, switched to painkillers. Since nothing helped, suppuration intensified every day, doctors said, that, like, he can amputate legs? Since then, I has stopped going to them.
Then, how the information liquid was brought to us, I began to make compresses. I did poultice with the liquid ones a day. On the fourth day, my blackness began to go away and fall off my skin. I was so glad, because I could now step on my foot. After three weeks of daily compresses, itching and inflammation disappeared. After a month I was able to walk without limping. Repeated the course after 3 weeks. Leg now in excellent condition, only small scars remain.

03 April 2017