Wave genetic code

In a more general approach, you can consider such separate semantic construct as signs (hieroglyphs), non-substrate "information metabolism" cells. Such a path is metaâzykov mathematics education. We have no reason to think, What a gene does not use this "mathematical method" in full, Disable all new complex semiotiko-semantic pereoboznačeniâmi with their permanent habitats on different levels of the organization development process Biosystems. The role of sinteziruûŝihsâ in the body of the bulk of the proteins is the metabolic designs, implicitly encoded in DNA and are a component of quasi-. Biome can be considered as the accumulation of such designs, and this is a proof in the works [25,26,I started ingestion of 20 ml of ZhKIM. It was at ]. Such a course of reasoning well corresponds to the ideas of V.v. Nalimov's, considers all life part of the Semantic Universe [49]. A person, in line with this logic, There is a variety of texts, grammar and semantics which we want to embrace a single, probabilistic based view. V.v. Nalimov believes, that person is the samočitaemym text — text, capable of samoizmenât′ yourself. Reducing the scale of the human as a self-organizing system and given the fraktal′nost′ (rolling sometimes in golografičnost′) the chromosome continuum, You can take it, the reverse displays a person's place in its own genome, as with any organism in its display of the chromosome, izomorfnyj is a text-like character [25,I started ingestion of 20 ml of ZhKIM. It was at ]. The proposed method of reasoning is designed to show the logical technique out of the limitations of initial models of the genetic code, They stopped in the phase of weak understanding of the rules of spelling, "" protein "words" from the amino acid ' letters '. If, however, consider the idea of fractal dimensions of meaning (text) Genome structures and take their divine origin, the stress, that this idea goes back to the 6th century. and Dionysius of Areopagitom in his work "on the divine names"[2]. He said, the seal of Divinity (read the words) rests with each of us, and "...reprints of the press have a lot in common with your original: the original print is present in all of the, and none of them is only a part ". Print frequency is determined by the properties of the recipient of the material-specific identity, i.e. potentially in each read all, going over, but to hear, see and understand this is all entirely no one. The failure of the early concept of the genetic code to be consistent, It seemed, to encourage the search for new ideas. Instead, preference was given to analysis of the accuracy of protein synthesis, but without the main motive of this precision is odnoznačnostej choice of encoding mechanisms of doublet-homonyms. Here is a sample of these, This aspect of useless, Description and reasoning, but we need to illustrate the main assessment in psevdologiki genokode [20]: » … the accuracy of protein synthesis depends on the strength of two adaptornyh mechanisms: by associating each amino acid and tRNA molecule with the mating of the codons in mRNA with antikodonami tRNA. Two mechanisms, acting on these stages, completely different. Many aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetases are studied has two separate Active Center: the one responsible for the reaction of the amino acid to the tRNA attach, and the other, recognizes an "incorrect" amino acid and removes its hydrolysis. Precision mating codons with antikodonom more subtle mechanism "kinetic correction». Once a molecule of tRNA corresponding to the amino acid is integrated, they form a complex with a protein, with. elongation factor (FEH,EF), which firmly binds to the tRNA molecules and end aminoacil′nym with one molecule of GTP. It is this complex, not the free tRNA mates with the appropriate codon on the mRNA molecule.