Wave genetic control biological profiles of nanotechnology

In experiments with broadcasting holographic information from cell/tissue donor cells/tissues around each recipient cell-hologram both participants in the near-field is a layer of neighbouring cells-holograms, exchange among themselves and the Central cell of the holographic information. Then each cell, In addition to its own polarization-holographic structure and its dynamic characteristics, contains more information about the nearest neighbouring holographic cells. This is another important reason for the redundancy and duplication of multiple holographic information in biological system.
Physico-mathematical description of alleged processes, similar photo isomerization and reorientation of DNA molecules, is given in terms of the angular distribution density functions. We assume all three independent molecular group, included in the DNA: TRANS-isomers, CIS-isomers and neutral molecules. Of the known system of balancing equations, describing the dynamics of distribution functions of isomers of abiogennyh polymers with a high polarization activity. It's, to some extent,, corresponds to the processes, occurring in DNA molecules by circularly-polarized light, taking into account the influence of photosensitive polymer matrix:
Angle, solid angle angular distribution density function process Dynamics photo isomerization and reorientation of molecules in a holographic structure fotoinducirovannyh morfogenezov Biosystems.
Odds and characterize the rate of change of the intensity of isomerization. Expanded values can be written as follows:
Where is the distribution function of CIS-isomers in a molecule of DNA when exposed to Elliptically polarized light, — the current value of the refractive index in a molecule of DNA when exposed to Elliptically polarized light,
— the current value of the absorption coefficient in a molecule of DNA when exposed to Elliptically polarized light, -TRANS-isomer distribution function of DNA when exposed to parts of Elliptically polarized light,
is the intensity of incoming light; is a factor of ellipticity of light. Here is the degree of ellipticity, — coefficient of asphericity of trans-isomer; , absorption cross section is the CIS-isomer and TRANS- isomer in directions perpendicular to the axis of the molecule along; and quantum yields of reaction photo isomerization; and Legendre functions are attached is; and functions of the coefficients of the expansion — in a series of spherical functions; the rotational diffusion coefficients, and TRANS-isomers molecules in polymer matrix; -Intermolecular potential; -relaxation time of a polymeric matrix.