Wave genetic control biological profiles of nanotechnology

These same factors addressed the problem of dynamic stability of polarization holograms, that was particularly important for living organisms. If any micro movements of the laser beam on the target of the donor or donor's beam, for example, because of the seismic motion Foundation, the laser and/or due to the stationarity of the donor, along the donor's cells there is a relatively stable system of polarization of Newton's rings. In other words, from laser sensing donors polarizing biogolografičeskie images are stable, not blurred and therefore recognizes the recipient as regulatory biosistemoj.
With holographic encoding and broadcasting of information managed to solve the problem of maintaining redundancy. This redundancy is understood here to mean, It is the direct and inverse Fourier transform, which is, in the first place, in the formation and registration of each donor's point of quasi-Newton's rings and, Secondly, in their reverse Fourier. Direct Fourier transform gives a quasi-Newton's rings for each point the donor's cells, and the reverse-converts these rings in similar points, in the far zone to recipient. The redundancy is provided so, that when passing through cell nucleus-quasi-lenses, each donor's cell structure is transformed into a three-dimensional polarization cones standing light wave intensity. In the case of partial erasure or vibration blur quasi-Newton's rings, that correspond to some point of the recipient, the rest of the rings is necessary and sufficient for the proper formation of the corresponding pixel of the donor.
These are the main differences and advantages described in this work, method and device for holographic cell state management of biological systems. Due to the above decisions, was received by polarization-dynamic holographic broadcast information without geometric distortion and large-scale.
Note, to obtain holograms use and incoherent radiation. However, in this case, the coherent light to the many feedbacks, that give, eventually, biological activity transferred holographically-modulation of light, electromagnetic and acoustic channels. In addition, in the useful signal, outgoing from the donor, transmitted polarization hologram, promodulirovannaâ vibrating quasi-Newton's rings. Modulation of the light flux biotkan′û-donor is the quadratic fotodetektorom. It is built into a laser tube. This modulation is transformed into an alternating electromagnetic signal. Significantly, the modulating vibration Newton's rings (the rings of intensity) Displays code polarization-linear phase dynamics of each fragment of the donor micro, for example, LCD chromosomes. In turn,, micro dynamic vibration of these rings (and direct shear to them) passes the dynamics of Euler angle. All this symbolic Dynamics (holographic and key locking») resonance effect on the biome-recipient, for example, on chromosomes, reprogramming their isomorphic to the donor.
In this way, dynamic polarization-modulation of the luminous flux of the quasi-Newton's rings is transformed when their motion in electromagnetic signal, that modulates a carrier frequency harmonics pulse generator, regulating micro offset mirror laser cavity. Maximum depth of modulation of the desired signal have a frequency range from 0,5 MHz to 1,5 MHz, that easily finds and accepts almost any medium wavelength radio.
In addition, You should also add, that repeated listening to these audio signals, We have found their biological activity. This applies to many entries to any media from the living and non-living objects-donors. Learn the results of our survey will be presented in subsequent publications.