Wave genetic control biological profiles of nanotechnology

For sustainable and without distortions of memorization in vivo in the radiative flux data is read at the same time proposed optical treatment of cell nuclei as the vibroustojčivyh Repeater sensor dynamic polarization holograms. The physical basis of the principle of excess Encoding Converter each amplitude-phase-scattering point of an object in the form of polarizing quasi Newton's rings.
In our experiments for regeneration of the pancreas in rats was conducted vibroustojčivaâ polarization-transfer of dynamic holographic information from donor to recipient. The rather long and purposeful okolorezonansnom exhibiting the recipient was a phenomenon of the recipient State management through the holographic artificially broadcast holographic information, coming from the cells and tissues of the donor. As a result of the recipient's stem cells receive information pulse to the top differencirovok in the direction of postembryonic morphogenesis with the full restoration of the pancreas in rats. We do not know, What types of (or type) stem cells are here, It is a subject for future research. In the process, it turned out, the main pool biogolografičeskoj information is in polarization-dynamic modulations Euler angle. This can be explained by the fact, that after a partial reflection of the laser beam and passing through each point of light cone are donors of the scattered radiation, the laser from orthogonally-circular polarization is converted to a space-conical distribution. Here is the key event is the interaction of the scattered radiation of light cones with the supporting wave polarization. It is synthesized by the sensor-converter, that may be associates are polarization active cell nuclei. When such interactions are spatially distributed polarization quasi-Newton's rings. Living cells is always metabolically and polarization non-stationary environment. However,, light, multiple such environments, gives a quasi Newton's rings, practically stationary relative to each other and relative to the origin of, select in space, the object of the donor. This is due to the relative cohesion between donor points. Variables of the Euler angles are caused by microscopic amplitudnymi fluctuations in donor points, the dynamic state of the living cells of a biological object. These variable angles are the angles between the lines, tangents to moving a polarizing quasi-rings, and coordinate axes, addressing a donor.
In addition, It was possible to transmit information from a donor in the far zone, where the recipient was. Under the far zone, as usual, refers to the distance, much larger than the wavelength of the laser sounding signal. To understand and implement this process, developed the concept of cell-core polarization quasi lenses. Physics and the principle of operation of such lenses is, that they, as polarized light and at the same time as sources of coherent light (250-800nm), located in the cytoplasmic cellular continuum, scan your own and cytoplasmic polarization modulation. A key contribution to the synthesis of biogologramm, and this is the least explained fenomenologiej.