Transfer bioactive information by sound

The results of the study show, that the impact of the Tibetan Mantra and PCR-acoustic spectra of medicinal plants (helichrysum, Gotu-Kola, Ginngo-Ti, St. John's wort, Ginger, motherwort, milk thistle, etc.) and minerals (B-quartz, Golden citrine, Sunstone, Topaz) has a positive effect on the performance of the PoA and EDR. After holding a seminar on self-regulation is the functional activation of all of AK. This is reflected most clearly in the EDR. Comparative analysis of parameters of PD and EDR matched directivity deviations AK and shows a concordance between the results, with the exception of the channel T. The PoA and EDR are informative, simple, non-invasive methods of diagnosis with the normalization of the function of internal organs, which is the basis for the development of the braking technology of aging in humans.
In general the work confirms and expands upon earlier results [16] the possibility of using biokomp′ûtinga to control quantum critical biological functions.

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Usupbekova B.Sh., Mansurova R.A., Gariaev P.r.
Results of carried out research have shown, that influence of the Tibetan Mantras and acoustic variant Polarization-Laser-Radio wave (PLR) spectra of curative plants and minerals has a positive effect by results of pulse and electro puncture diagnostics. The raised functional activity of all acupuncture the channels as a basis for development of braking technologies of ageing processes at the person is observed.