Implicit functions of the genetic apparatus

Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier confirms our research

Comment to article or – as Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier confirms our research. In view of the strategic importance of the work of the group, Luc Montagnier, reasonable to give her assessment in comparison with our, earlier, studies in the same direction. Luc Montagnier, de facto, invaded the area of Lingvistiko-wave Genetics (LVG), not knowing about it, probably, No problem. Why it is essential to study Luc Montagnier (and our, in a much more advanced version) -magnetic water structure in DNA translation, including the structure of intracellular water? The reasons are as follows. In medicine, in genetics, the situation was critical in the sense of non-use of the vast information stockpiles "junk" DNA, respectively, now real opportunities BTY. The reason is the long and continuing lack of strategic principles for the work of the main human resource centre-the genetic apparatus, which is responsible not only for heredity, but is a crucial regulation of metabolic and physiological functions, up to the level of thinking and consciousness. The main problem is the lack of, ignoring the contradictions in the model of the genetic code, that allowed other nobeliatami – M. Nirenbergom and f. Crick. Actually, This is a gross error is not aware, more precisely, ignore the value of ambiguity of encoding amino acid codons for protein and half coding. This ambiguity was immediately marked, but not attributed to them, M. Nirenbergom and f. Crick , but subsequently, obscured and "forgotten". But the key thing is not to forget. However,, «forgotten». What this has led? This led, as mentioned, the so-called transgenic engineering, which, the main result of, cheap genetically modified (GM) food. It threatens to ban genetic collapse of life on Earth. The explanation I gave in my publications.
The second consequence of the fallacies m. Nirenberga and f. Crick:
The failure of medicine to treat major diseases-cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis, failure to extend the active life of people up to 200 or more years. It can and should make a new branch of biology and medicine-Lingvistiko-wave Genetics. It is based on an understanding of the genetic apparatus of Quantum Biokomp′ûtera (KB), with its inherent elements of consciousness and thinking.
The basic principles of the KB, I repeat, -golografičnost′, lingvističnost′ and quantum nonlocality its regulatory teams. The pilot model of artificial KB we have created based on laser technology. KB is capable of the following functions like biocomputer: (a)) reading wave of genetic information with chromosomes, cells, tissues and whole organisms, b) transforming of scanning (recording information) Laser photons in modulated broadband electromagnetic radiation (MBER) While the primary photon genetic information, in) wave transmission of genetic information at macro distances, Ct) the introduction of genetic information in the form of a mŠÈI organism-recipient, in the intracellular water, d) firmware management-correction of metabolism, Physiology of the recipient, for example, sick or old man.