Quantum teleportation – This is not only an important component in quantum information tasks; It also allows you to put new types of experiments and research in fundamental quantum mechanics. Like any quantum state can be teleportirovano, and, vice versa, It may be undefined for a particle – Member of the confused pair. Similarly to the entanglements between particles. This allows us to provide not only a chain of transmission of quantum States on distance, where quantum Decoherence has already resolved the status of complementarity (pairs of particles, P.G.), but it also allows us to test particle Bella theorem, that does not impact in any way on the past.
Is this the next step in future studies of quantum mechanics. Most, but not least. Disputes over the local accuracy of understanding nature can stop, If future experiments are used to generate a tangle-free for more than two spatially separated particles.
Fig. 1. Scheme, showing the operating principles of quantum teleportation ((a) and experimental plant ((b). (a, Alice has a quantum system, particle 1, in the initial state, She wants to send to Bob. Alice and Bob also possess additional pair of entangled photons 2 and 3, emitted by the source of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR). Alice then conducts combined (joint) Analysis Of Bellovskogo Condition (Bell state measurement, BSM) the initial photon and an additional, intended for transfer sputannoe status. It then sends the result of the measurement of both classical information to Bob, It is a unitary translation (U) on another extra photon, wherein the receiving state of a particle 1. (b, Pulsed UV light, passing through a non-linear Crystal, It creates an additional pair of photons 2 and 3. In a reverse reflection of the, After the second pass through the Crystal, the other pair of photons, one of which will be set in the initial state of the photon 1 teleportation, the other serves as a trigger, pointing, that the photon must be put by others. Alice then tracks the match after disintegrant beam (BS), where the initial photon and an additional superpozicioniruûtsâ (superposed). Bob, After taking the classical information, that Alice got just counts in the detectors f1 and f2, identifying Bellovskoe status |Ψ-|1 2, knows, that his photon 3 is identical to the initial state of photon 1. Bob can check this, using the polarization analysis with polarizing beam Builder (PBS) and detectors d1 and d2. Detector p gives information, 1 that the photon in another way (under way).