“Wave genetic code” was written three years after the publication of the monograph “Wave genome” and, despite the similarity of the name, does not repeat it, but develops mainly in theoretical terms.
In biology and, especially, in her key part of genetics, it's time for a reassessment. Probably, it will be explosive. words and concepts “gene” and “triplet genetic code” so unloved for many in the days of Lysenkoism, finally, widely accepted, and like, everything is clear here. but here's the paradox, this appearance of clarity has become an intellectual brake. but, an avalanche of new experimental facts no longer fit into the recognized and, yesterday, revolutionary ideas. These new facts are amazing, excite the imagination, beckon forward. Take, at least, the problem of "selfish" DNA, or the strange uneconomical synthesis of pre-messenger RNAs, or seemingly unnecessary intron-exon breakdown of genes. And take the problem of contextual long-range orientations when choosing amino acids in the process of protein synthesis or the phenomenon of laser and soliton DNA radiation. And this is only a small part of the “anomalous” phenomena in biology. Particularly interesting is the situation with the famous Wobble hypothesis of F. Crick, hiding behind a sonorous idea of a seemingly random “rocking” (substitutions) third nucleotide in a codon the main theoretical difficulty of the triplet code paradigm, its homonymy. Homonyms that encode identical doublets must exactly mean (encode) one or another different amino acid, and the ribosome makes that precise unambiguous choice of amino acid. But how? Genetics and molecular biology currently cannot answer this question., they froze in the phase of not understanding the spelling rules of writing protein “texts” from amino acid “letters”.
In other words, it is time to reconsider the problem of the genetic code. And why is it genetic?? It's protein. As for the genetic code, as a blueprint for building the entire biosystem, then it is essentially different - heteromultiplet, multidimensional, pluralistic and, finally, figurative-wave.
This work does not claim to be the ultimate truth. Her task is more modest, ask new questions. Response to them, can be, will be found in the 21st century.
P.p. Gariaev "Wave Genetic Code", Publisher "IZDATTSENTR» 1997. ISBN 5-7816-0022-1