God's Code. Linguistic Wave Genetics. In biology, and especially in its key part - genetics - the time has come for a reassessment of values.. Probably, it will be explosive. The concept of "gene" and "triplet genetic code», born in the 20th century, become so familiar, that it has become an intellectual brake for science. Today, an avalanche of new experimental data no longer fits into the recognized postulates. These new facts are amazing, excite the imagination and beckon forward.
This book is based on a scientific monograph "Wave genome" doctor of biological sciences, Academician RAMTN (Russian Academy of medico-technical sciences) and NATURAL SCIENCES (Russian Academy of natural sciences), Russian scientist with a world name Peter Garyaev. This is the main work of the author, revised for perception by a simple reader., who created world fame for him and brought on him the wrath and misunderstanding of the scientific community. The book revisits the problem of the genetic code as a program for building the entire biosystem. Shows the "spelling" of writing protein "texts" from amino acid "letters". The author does not claim to be the ultimate truth.. His job is to ask the right questions. The answer can be find scientists of the future. All this and not only in the book of God's Code. Linguistic Wave Genetics.
Garyaev Peter Petrovich
Publication year 2017
ISBN 978-5-906867-38-4