The centralized model and fractal-letter code in Jewish mysticism

Parapsychology and Psychophysics. – 1999. – # 1. – P. 85-93.
N.b. Zabolotnaya

Recently in studies of information characteristics of living systems as a methodological scheme began to appear more and more varieties of fractal spiral-concentric holographic model, the basis of structural and system organization, the management and operations of spatio-organizmennyh unit. We had a case, This model is obviously important in new approaches to description of DNA (1), systematization of chemical elements and amino acid codes (2), General description of human ÈNIOkarkasa, structure of the physical vacuum (3) etc.. Description of the essence of holographic processes the MDX object and its vzaimootobraženiâ wave patterns is contained in a number of works, You can specify multiple lines of the monograph Garâeva, which also is significant for the article the concept of fractal, arising from the General: “…for all levels of matter of, that every integer has a highly ordered complex structural education, that assume a function and play a key role in their structural and functional manifestations. To Live it is. ... confirmation in the form of "golografičnosti" its information systems, in particular, the brain " (4).
Nonlinearity of interaction within the framework of this model are vividly revealed, If it is present in the form of "centripolârnogo" segment, in point-"fokal′nom Center" which minimized-compressed form, concentrates all the essential information about deployment and evolution of periphery, implement in the linear space time generating momentum vneprostranstvennoj core. Of such models as "essential atom" Mendeleev-229a, "kardioidy" Kozyreva, ANU-Babbitt-Mandalas Leadbeater and Besant, solitonnoj model Polyakova-t'Hofta, the cell spatial organization of physical vacuum-analogue network Indra Avatamsaka Sutra, etc. in various printed works and manuscripts mention Ivanenko k... (5).
In contemporary natural science practice, has made significant progress in the low-energy interactions and psychic phenomena, It has become a tradition in accordance with the principle of evolutionary dialectic lead Parallels of the humanitarian "esotericism" by circuits, in terms of measuring accurately the terminology and methodology and narrowly. Such logic represents a priori perception of development "from simple to complex", "the objective of the existing, tangible and measurable to the controversial, unpredictable, mythological ". In this paper, we will present the reverse, that would also be a temporary development logic of the author. Similar to the above fractal "centripolârnaâ" model was at the beginning of our research highlighted at the level of the archetypical semantics-sign pattern using internal deep strata of Chinese hieroglyphics and terminology in Hebrew, as well as to the underlying DAO-Buddhist complex of myths, Hinduism, Kalachakra and Tibetan teachings of Kabbalah (6). In this article we take a look at golografiko-concentric model as the key moment of the teachings on letters to a Jewish mysticism, as well as an important structural element, connecting the internal topology of space in your psihotehničeskom experience, cosmological models of Jewish tradition and concept of the sign code. This theme, in our view, is currently of particular interest, because. directly related to the research of human psychobiology code creatures, become a new paradigm and technological opportunities of the computer modeling the subject of lively scientific activity.